FF6 Hacking
Suggestion: Other Rom Hacks - Printable Version

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Suggestion: Other Rom Hacks - PSI Ultima - 04-23-2011

Have you finished a non-FF6 Rom hack? Do you have nowhere to share them? Well I have a suggestion for you! Under Hacking Discussion, there could be a sub-fourm called "Other Hacks." Here you could find hacks of games other than Final Fantasy 6. We could also use it to show other custom sprites for those games. If this is in the wrong place you could move it. Please comment on what you think!

RE: Suggestion: Other Rom Hacks - SSJ Rick - 04-23-2011

anything other then FF6 hacking would go in general discussion

also moved this to general discussion

RE: Suggestion: Other Rom Hacks - Zeemis - 04-23-2011

You know, I think on this site we should be open to suggestions more so. I've seen it all to often from this type of persons point of view (new person to the site) where you make a suggestion and it gets turned down by everyone in the community (including the mods and admins) because of a bias nature towards new members. I think we should be open to all suggestions, and to be honest looking at his suggestion from an outside view, it seems like a pretty good idea.
I say this because it could attract more people to our site. People won't register to contribute just to hacking some game other than FFVI, we have a huge community. A bit of branching off wouldn't be bad however so I say yet to it.
My vote for this isn't final, so I'll leave it up to the other admins/mods and members.

RE: Suggestion: Other Rom Hacks - CrumpledMedal - 04-23-2011

Well I haven't made one but I've played a Terra-Celes hack for Final fantasy IV where Terra replaces RosaSad, Celes replaces cecilWink, and Yang is replaced by a Chinese girl Meilin(whose sprite I abslutely love) and Edge is replaced by MogConfused and Kain is replaced by a female elf Azmyth. It has a new storyline in conjunction to the FFVI story. A lot of work was put into it and it is a great hack, and I liked Celes being in a DKnight/Paladin role than in FF6.Wink

I Wish you could have hacking tools for FF4 like you can for FF6 but that's wishful thinking because its difficult to crack its code.

I have made a simple hack of FFIV with a simple tile editor called Tiled2000 but the only simple change I made was to change Child Rydia's sprite over her adult Rydia sprite so she remains a child.

RE: Suggestion: Other Rom Hacks - Angelo26 - 04-24-2011

The slickproductions forum has areas for FF4 and FF5 hackers, besides the usual FF6


And there's this other website where people hack games and they give action replay codes for their hacks, which is very nice


RE: Suggestion: Other Rom Hacks - FEOK - 04-25-2011

The only thing about that is that this is website is for FF6 Hacks and adding other hacks would make into more of a multi hack site :p

RE: Suggestion: Other Rom Hacks - Angelo26 - 04-25-2011

(04-25-2011, 05:44 AM)FEOK Wrote: The only thing about that is that this is website is for FF6 Hacks and adding other hacks would make into more of a multi hack site :p

Yeah, I agree, but the thing is no one has hacked FF4 or FF5 before (in this forum). Without a reference point to start (a disassembly bank or an utility) people might go crazy cause they won't figure out what's happening at all in the ROM. This is happening to me with Breath of Fire 2, I'm having a hell of a time figuring out event commands X_X

RE: Suggestion: Other Rom Hacks - LordSutebenu - 04-25-2011

It is quite nice to have a site specifically made for a certain goal; hacking Final Fantasy VI. Is that all that we should devote our time to? I speak from experience when I say that if all I did was hack FFVI I would burn out and not do anything with it, such evidence as I have yet to look at a FFVI ROM or sprite for the past 3 or 4 months.

Adding a new section where people can share their ideals and work of other games (both FF and non-FF based hacks) would be a rather much needed breath of fresh air.

If a vote shall happen, I vote for a new hacking section.

RE: Suggestion: Other Rom Hacks - SSJ Rick - 04-25-2011

I dont have anything against the idea but it kinda defeats the purpose of this site being called "ff6hacking.com" just saying

RE: Suggestion: Other Rom Hacks - ArcadianKnight - 04-25-2011

i agree, poco. Smile