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FF3usME 6.7's Sprite Editor - Printable Version

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FF3usME 6.7's Sprite Editor - DjinnAndTonic - 02-18-2011

First of all, it's awesome that we can now easily edit NPC sprites, including ones we couldn't before like Celes' chained-up sprite.

However, while it seems like it should be easy to edit the Riding/Fainted sprites now, I can't seem to get FF3usME 6.7's sprite editor to export those sprites in a format where I can edit the PNGs.

Anyone know what to do there?

RE: FF3usME 6.7's Sprite Editor - SSJ Rick - 02-19-2011

what u need to do is make sure that the new sprite format box is checked and then click export

that should do it

RE: FF3usME 6.7's Sprite Editor - DjinnAndTonic - 02-19-2011

...wow, I need to have my eyes checked. I can't believe I missed that.

RE: FF3usME 6.7's Sprite Editor - SSJ Rick - 02-19-2011

haha did it work out 4 u?

RE: FF3usME 6.7's Sprite Editor - kefkaroth - 02-19-2011

well the ff3usme 6.7 isnt working for me. i download the .dll files needed and i get an annoying message that days something about the wmemcpy_s in the msvcr100.dll not being located or something. any help would be greatly appreciated
nevermind figured it all thanks anyway folks ^_^

RE: FF3usME 6.7's Sprite Editor - DjinnAndTonic - 02-19-2011

It's rather awesome and it prompted me to finish up all the Riding/Fainted sprites for all of my PCs. There were like 4 sitting around that hadn't been drawn yet.

Now I just have to work on drawing my new NPCs.

I want to note here that FF3se is still better to use to initially add in your new spritesheets, because it's more flexible with loading palettes. 6.7spriteEd tends to do weird things when I try to load a completely new palette sheet. It seems to work best to initially import using FF3se, and then export from 6.7spriteEd to draw your Riding/Faint sprites using a good art program. Still, far more convenient than the tile copy/pasting tedium that we had before.

RE: FF3usME 6.7's Sprite Editor - SSJ Rick - 02-19-2011

well u gotta understand its still a beta, so that sort of thing is to be expected, J told me not only will he make the tile editing bigger he will also give it a few more tweaks and buffs

RE: FF3usME 6.7's Sprite Editor - DjinnAndTonic - 02-19-2011

Oh, I'm not complaining. It's a pretty big improvement overall, so I'm quite happy with it. I'm just trying to figure out its limitations and how to work with them. The fact that he says he's intending to tweak it even MORE is just icing on the cake~

RE: FF3usME 6.7's Sprite Editor - SSJ Rick - 02-19-2011

oh yea most def, he told me that I've been the biggest help over the past few months

I am going 2 decipher the ?'s in the item area

RE: FF3usME 6.7's Sprite Editor - CurlyLover - 02-20-2011

(02-19-2011, 02:11 PM)kefkaroth Wrote: well the ff3usme 6.7 isnt working for me. i download the .dll files needed and i get an annoying message that days something about the wmemcpy_s in the msvcr100.dll not being located or something. any help would be greatly appreciated
nevermind figured it all thanks anyway folks ^_^

Got the same problem! Apparently, installing Visual C++ 2010 and deleting the .dll put in my FF3USME folder got rid of the problem!