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I Finally Became The Guy! - Printable Version

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I Finally Became The Guy! - .Gilgamesh// - 11-27-2010

In honor of me beating I Wanna Be The Guy, here is The Kid/The Guy.
[Image: imgshk.png]
"A stone cold soldier who never gives up despite the world being against him..."
Name your character.

RE: I Finally Became The Guy! - Sathka - 11-28-2010

Very cool. I like your casting animation and how you worked the cape into it.

RE: I Finally Became The Guy! - SSJ Rick - 11-28-2010

not bad

RE: I Finally Became The Guy! - Sathka - 11-28-2010

I've just noticed, the cape's shoulder pads/clips are visible from the back, but don't show up anywhere else. For the sake of consistency, you might want to add something to the front and side views.

RE: I Finally Became The Guy! - LordSutebenu - 11-30-2010

I like it; even though I can see that you used Sabin as a base, lol. Good job though I agree with Sathka; make sure your sprites are consistent.

RE: I Finally Became The Guy! - .Gilgamesh// - 11-30-2010

Fixed it!
[Image: 109_30_11_10_8_28_46.png]

RE: I Finally Became The Guy! - DjinnAndTonic - 11-30-2010

I like it, the colors look really good. Especially the hair.

RE: I Finally Became The Guy! - Akai - 11-30-2010

Nice colors. A little big to be the kid, so I'm gonna call it the guy. Wink

RE: I Finally Became The Guy! - .Gilgamesh// - 11-30-2010

I call it The Kid when he became The Guy.

RE: I Finally Became The Guy! - FEOK - 12-03-2010


i like evrything about it, it really looks great Smile