FF6 Hacking
Where's the chat?? - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Where's the chat?? (/thread-776.html)

Where's the chat?? - Angelo26 - 11-07-2010

When I clicked on the "forums" link, it usually took me to the FF6hacking main page where there was a chat for everyone to talk, now it's gone??

Any help? Laugh

RE: Where's the chat?? - SSJ Rick - 11-07-2010

not sure why its gone myself, but I am guessing Zeemis is updating the site

RE: Where's the chat?? - Zeemis - 11-07-2010

I'm updating the site, sorry it's taking so long. I updated the plugin and it no longer showed up on the forums... Awaiting my friend to look into the templates to fix it.