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Chrono trigger has same things like FF6? - Printable Version

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Chrono trigger has same things like FF6? - Yuke311 - 11-02-2010

Hmm I just noticed while i played Chrono tigger that it has much same things like FF6Snes.Like Vicks and Wedge is inside it has some soundeffects thats also FF6 Has! even the items!(some items).

RE: Chrono trigger has same things like FF6? - Micki Chiba - 11-02-2010

well,Yeah. it's like that. shelter is a TENT. they do have some spells as Final Fantasy.

However,FF4TAY adopted the brand system though CT.

RE: Chrono trigger has same things like FF6? - Yuke311 - 11-02-2010

:/ if FF6team would have to fight Chrono trigger team i bet Cronos team would win because they have team attacks like X strike usw.

RE: Chrono trigger has same things like FF6? - SSJ Rick - 11-02-2010

both games are property of Square Enix so some members of each respected team collaborated when it came to a handful of things

RE: Chrono trigger has same things like FF6? - Gi Nattak - 11-02-2010

They also share very the same SPC engine, the SPC-700.

RE: Chrono trigger has same things like FF6? - Yuke311 - 11-05-2010

??? whatever... but why they wouldnt be look good for ff6?

RE: Chrono trigger has same things like FF6? - SSJ Rick - 11-05-2010

because of how the sprites were made, they are taller and wider, so they wont fit,

which is why they need to be remade FROM SCRATCH!

if you look @ Nattack's video with reptites, I did them for him from scratch, which proved difficult because they were to big, so I fixed it around

RE: Chrono trigger has same things like FF6? - Yuke311 - 11-05-2010

but the frog... is small and import work why i cant make it then so? or do u mean that Chrono trigger Char wouldnt look good in FF6?

RE: Chrono trigger has same things like FF6? - SSJ Rick - 11-05-2010

I mean u need to remake them

you need to remake them so that they fit in FF6

and importing is NOT GOING TO WORK! so stop doing that

the only way you are going to get good is if you try

thats how everybody else got good, and you are no exception, do not be afraid to try to sprite characters

RE: Chrono trigger has same things like FF6? - .Gilgamesh// - 11-05-2010

Even I make customs Crossdressing Squall,Guile,Vincent,and Armored Locke. If anything, I am evidence you can do it.