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Ogre Battle 64 Portrait Collection - Printable Version

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Ogre Battle 64 Portrait Collection - Titan of Ether - 11-01-2010

I have just completed converting the portraits from Ogre Battle 64 to work in ff3se.
You can see some of them in action here.

All Portraits in a Collage

Because the collection is so large I've combined them into a single archive.
A temporary mirror is available here.

EDIT: Added Collage Link
EDIT 2: Corrected links that imageshack changed

RE: Ogre Battle 64 Portrait Collection - SSJ Rick - 11-02-2010

not bad Smile

RE: Ogre Battle 64 Portrait Collection - Yuke311 - 11-02-2010

LOLLaugh Edgar has a big noise! hahahaLaughLaugh

RE: Ogre Battle 64 Portrait Collection - Titan of Ether - 11-02-2010

I'm going to create and post a collage of all 131 portraits.

I'd also like to get the zip file hosted here instead of 4shared. Mostly because I only have 30 days on 4shared.

RE: Ogre Battle 64 Portrait Collection - SSJ Rick - 11-02-2010

regardless its a good collection thank you

RE: Ogre Battle 64 Portrait Collection - Titan of Ether - 11-02-2010

How would I get the collection uploaded here? I see how I can do a single upload, but I'd rather not make 131 separate uploads.

RE: Ogre Battle 64 Portrait Collection - SSJ Rick - 11-02-2010

yeah the problem is there r 2 many 2 upload

ur better off keeping it this way :p