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Sprites - Printable Version

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Sprites - NeoBahamut - 10-03-2010

I don't mean to be annoying or rude when saying this, but I feel that I must.
When it comes to making sprites, I beg anyone that makes sprites, to at least attempt to make the color scheme of the game.
By the color scheme of the game, I mean keep your palletes withing a dark, gloomy colored range*. Doing so would make the monster sprites match the background and would also make the feel of the game more Final Fantasy VI-ish.
After stating this, I hope that before any of you comment, please, take into consideration any hack you've played with added in monster sprites, and tell me, don't most of those monster sprites not look right?

*I know when importing say a goblin from FFV to FFVI, most of you do a fantastic job with matching everything, however, if you are going to do this, please tweak the color scheme a little, just to fit the game. Spring Green doesn't really fit with Forest Green. ^.^

RE: Sprites - SSJ Rick - 10-04-2010

very true Neo

RE: Sprites - NeoBahamut - 10-07-2010

Thanks Poco ^.^

RE: Sprites - SSJ Rick - 10-08-2010

also lets not forget the correct order of colors (see help thread for the info)

RE: Sprites - NeoBahamut - 10-08-2010

the what? o.o XD I've been away for too long Tongue

RE: Sprites - SSJ Rick - 10-08-2010

ah yea u were missing in action 4 a good while

I'm sure it will help

RE: Sprites - NeoBahamut - 10-08-2010

lol 'k, where is it on this site? ^.^;;

RE: Sprites - SSJ Rick - 10-08-2010

better yet here is the correct order

1. transparent
2. outline (black)
3. eyes
4. pupils
5. hair (lighter shade)
6. hair (darker shade)
7. skin (lighter tone)
8. skin (darker tone)
9. outfit 1 (lighter shade)
10. outfit 1 (darker shade)
11. outfit 2 (lighter shade)
12. outfit 2 (darker shade)

the last 4 shouldn't be used cuz they mess the char up in battle

RE: Sprites - NeoBahamut - 10-09-2010

XD I've been going by gut 'till now (which I must say I've been doing a pretty good job of Tongue)
but now I know....now I know XD

RE: Sprites - SSJ Rick - 10-09-2010

good man

also make sure 2 that it looks good in the relm editor (meaning no distortion) if u wanna use SE, follow the guide, otherwise use the relm editor