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Sephiroth vs Ultimecia - Printable Version

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Sephiroth vs Ultimecia - FEOK - 08-19-2010

Sephiroth and Ultimecia final bosses in ff7 and ff8 but if they had a fight who would win?

Ultimecia can control space and time and Sephiroth is more than strong enough to destroy the world but who is stronger?

My bet is on Ultimecia, if she can control time all she has to do is stop time and destroy Sephiroth then.

Who do you think would win?

RE: Sephiroth vs Ultimecia - LordSutebenu - 08-19-2010

To be honest I don't think Sephiroth is all that strong, I mean he was killed by a weakling who couldn't even make it into SOLDIER...so yeah...Ultimecia...

RE: Sephiroth vs Ultimecia - kefkaroth - 08-19-2010

ill go with sephiroth only because ultimecia was a cake walk to me when i first fought her. at least when i 1st fought sephiroth i almost died since he killed 2 members of my party. but then again my highest hp was in the low 3000's.

RE: Sephiroth vs Ultimecia - SSJ Rick - 08-19-2010

u should make this into a poll

RE: Sephiroth vs Ultimecia - FEOK - 08-19-2010

(08-19-2010, 02:36 PM)Poco Loco Wrote: u should make this into a poll

ummmm i kinda dont know how.

RE: Sephiroth vs Ultimecia - SSJ Rick - 08-19-2010

dont worry I got u

but for future references

u click on edit, then full edit

then you choose make this into a poll

and the rest is pretty self explanatory

RE: Sephiroth vs Ultimecia - FEOK - 08-19-2010

(08-19-2010, 03:48 PM)Poco Loco Wrote: dont worry I got u

but for future references

u click on edit, then full edit

then you choose make this into a poll

and the rest is pretty self explanatory
