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Anyone ever played Balamb Garden? - Printable Version

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Anyone ever played Balamb Garden? - SDeluxe - 08-16-2010

Its this crazy PvP Arena Game based on every final fantasy ever made, I always thought it was awesome but I never got into it because there's never enough players online. It features 1v1, 2v2, 3v3, 4v4, and 5v5 matches, as well as a long story mode the creator has been working on for awhile.

I just thought of it recently while working on the game. Anyone up to checking it out and play sometime? If we can get at least 4 to 8 players, we could have some real fun on our playtime.


Here's a trailer for the game above. Below is the link

RE: Anyone ever played Balamb Garden? - SSJ Rick - 08-16-2010

ah yea I know Psycrow, I spoke to him a few times actually

his sprite making skills are much better then mine I'll tell u that

but unfortunately he has no intention of sharing his work like that =/

RE: Anyone ever played Balamb Garden? - SDeluxe - 08-16-2010

I wouldn't want his work, but I just want to play sometime. The few times I played it seems pretty cool. I wonder why he chose to stick with that Palace software and not search for a bigger audience?

RE: Anyone ever played Balamb Garden? - SSJ Rick - 08-16-2010

hmmm I suppose u can always ask him

u might even convince him 2 upgrade

RE: Anyone ever played Balamb Garden? - Guylock - 08-16-2010

I played that YEARS ago, I got banned for flamming on there the one time. LOL!

RE: Anyone ever played Balamb Garden? - SSJ Rick - 08-16-2010
