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Changing Character Palettes Through Hex - Printable Version

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Changing Character Palettes Through Hex - Gi Nattak - 07-09-2010

So I just tried to change Strago's default assigned palette from #3 to #1
The event is CB/D9DF: 43 and can be found at hex offset BDBDF
"Assign palette $03 to character $07 (Actor in slot 7)"
So I changed the byte from $03 to $01, tested it out, and it seems Strago is still at Palette 3. Any ideas what I am not doing right here?

RE: Changing Character Palettes Through Hex - Zeemis - 07-09-2010

You also need to edit the sram, I had to.

RE: Changing Character Palettes Through Hex - Drakkhen - 07-09-2010

Changing a characters assigned overworld palette will only take effect when the event in question is called. In the case of Strago(and many others), this would be when you first talk to him.

RE: Changing Character Palettes Through Hex - Gi Nattak - 07-09-2010

Yeah, thats what I figured. I walked into his house for the first time, ready to see his new palette, but it was still #3. Maybe I should start a 100% new game and see is it works then. The save file I am using (someone else's) they must have already somehow walked into his house. Even though it appears as though they did not. And having never of used sram, I'm not sure what to do there. I was hoping this would change his palette in all instances for ever.

RE: Changing Character Palettes Through Hex - Drakkhen - 07-09-2010

Well, the Strago standing there in front of you couldn't possibly load the assigned palette from the event that hasn't run yet now could it?
To make that change you'll have to change NPC data. One of the map editors out there should be capable of this.

RE: Changing Character Palettes Through Hex - Gi Nattak - 07-09-2010

Ahhh yes, now I see & understand. Thanks my friend.

RE: Changing Character Palettes Through Hex - SSJ Rick - 07-09-2010

dont forget u need to change both the battle and over world palettes

RE: Changing Character Palettes Through Hex - Yuke311 - 10-01-2010

er how high does it go i mean the numbers does it go to 10? because i also must do this for pikachu because he has umaros palette.
+ Level ed dont work by me....