FF6 Hacking
Quick Announcement - Printable Version

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Quick Announcement - Zeemis - 04-30-2010

Quick announcement from Zeemis.
From here on out, recolors won't be accepted. Only custom work is. It may seem rude of me to say this but it's very easy to adjust colors within the FFVI Sprite Editor. I don't want to sound presumptuous when I say this, but I feel I can speak for a few people out there that they would rather make their own recolors.

This doesn't mean you can't still show off your recolors on the forums, we just won't be allowing recolors in the database.
I'm sorry that I made this decision, but I feel it's best. I may change my mind, I may not.
We'll see.


RE: Quick Announcement - Foxhoundmember - 04-30-2010

nice idea cause its true recolours are for the lazy poeple you should make them if you like that but only for yourself

RE: Quick Announcement - SSJ Rick - 04-30-2010

I agree, don't get me wrong, some actually look amazing and a few are unique

but the bottom line is, anybody can do it

so its best that they stay in regular forums, that way if you wanna show it off, people can still see it

RE: Quick Announcement - LordSutebenu - 04-30-2010

^-^ luckily the only recolors I ever planned on doing was already submitted and I only did those to make them hold more true to their original art (some I even had to edit their clothes to make it look right. But all in all, doing a recolor and calling it something else is hardly worth submitting.

RE: Quick Announcement - smokehound - 04-30-2010

I prefer original art myself.

It would be alot cooler if you made your own from scratch =)

Sure, its hard because of the limitations given, but if you practice, it will pay off!

RE: Quick Announcement - SSJ Rick - 04-30-2010

yea most definitely that's how people get good after all