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Beta Testers - Printable Version

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Beta Testers - Zeemis - 03-07-2010

This thread is about beta testing your hacks. Ask in here if you need someone to beta test it.
Proto-Babil is a new "super boss" in FFIV DS, and this is a boss I need some beta testing on. I'm only accepting one person to beta test; however, the rules for beta testing are:
-Explore all possible ways to defeat the boss.
-Show places you get stuck (there are a few that I'm aware of and will fix)
-Report back your findings in this thread.

[Image: imgshk.png][Image: imgshk.png]
[Image: imgshk.png][Image: imgshk.png]

This image shows the new island in the map editor.
As Darkvee suggested, "Old" is a very useful skill and pretty much required for the fight. However, you can spam Old so that an attack that normally does 3000 now does 300. The only two ways I can limit the use of Old is if I were to ASM hack "Discard" (which is the initial skill that halves an enemies level) so that it's an ailment and have it so monsters block it after (you can't repeatedly cast "Slow" on an enemy). The alternative is to increase the MP cost to maximum so it can only be cast one time; however, people will just use MP-regaining potions. Any ideas?

RE: Beta Testers - NeoBahamut - 03-07-2010

Why don't you elaborate on the tower, with adding in a savespot somewhere in the middle?
Perhaps make this tower a counter-tower for the Fanatics Tower, where every monster in this tower has strong magic defence and evasion. A Fighting Tower, kinda like the twin towers from Final Fantasy V. Tongue And Proto Babil is the super boss at the top. Oh, and you can change party members like in the Dragon's Den in Final Fantasy VI Advanced. But, this is only a 1-party dungeon.

RE: Beta Testers - Zeemis - 03-07-2010

I initially was going to do that, right where that clock in the middle is. It was going to be a door; however, I ran out of space in the editor and couldn't finish the save room. o_O;
Here's an update to the hack where it's fixed up a bit and a lot more playable:

RE: Beta Testers - Angelo26 - 03-08-2010

I've been trying to beat the boss for an hour or so, it looks like none of Proto-Babil's attacks are elemental. And even if I have high evade or magic evade %'s, I am only able to succesfully block the 9th dimension attack. I am not able to block "Light of Babil", nor "Divne Judgement" nor "Object 199" (the last one causes no damage to mog though).

I tried to use the "all dragoons" party, but the counterattacks really kill me quickly.
The boss is too fast, I tried leveling up so I could increase the character's speeds, but it seems you used a fix so that leveling up takes a longer time now. Even with my characters with haste status are being killed quite fast.

I am able of dealing a certain amount of damage by using mog with dragoonboots/dragon horn relics, terra and celes as casters with safety bits and marvel shoes, and Lilly using Zoneseek and Asura summons (almost every round, safety bit and economizer relic). But then protobabil casts divine judgement twice in a row, and right after I attack, he still counterattacks, completely killing my party.

I'll keep notifying of changes, I would like to see other people's approaches as well. Nice hack, great challenge.

RE: Beta Testers - Zeemis - 03-08-2010

One thing I recommend is using the new summon, Asura.
It acts as a "White Wind" spell, as well as adds Regen and Life 3 to your entire group. It's necessary for this fight. Wink
Try testing all the summons to get a feel of what would be useful and what wouldn't.

Didn't read your entire post. >_<;
One guy sent me a PM on YouTube saying he defeated the boss, so it's not impossible. Wink

RE: Beta Testers - Zodiarkmaster - 03-08-2010

Huh How do you use hacks? as in put them on the game... Sorry for my not knowing.
(03-08-2010, 01:31 PM)Zodiarkmaster Wrote: Huh How do you use hacks? as in put them on the game... Sorry for my not knowing.

Laugh Never mind, figured it out...

RE: Beta Testers - NeoBahamut - 03-08-2010

^ Can you say fail 10x fast?

RE: Beta Testers - Zodiarkmaster - 03-09-2010

Well... I use Asura first chance I get and then basically spam Cureja,Ultima and Osmose while Edgar spams Chainsaw. If someone dies I use Arise and if all but Lilly die I'll use Pheonix. most Damage I do is 9999... But yeah, I do fail, though it's more like 7x fast.

RE: Beta Testers - Zeemis - 03-09-2010

It's good to have a boss that no one can beat because of difficulty, I just hope he's not to hard. One guy did say he beat him although.

RE: Beta Testers - DarkVee - 03-11-2010

I ran into a bug with one of the summons, Asura her sprite when all buggy on me and Lilly's sprite disappeared and I can't heal her now with items or spells.