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Message from LordJ - Printable Version

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Message from LordJ - Zeemis - 01-07-2010

Quote:Hi Zeemis, this has been a while but now would be the appropriate time to implement those checkboxes that have question marks. Also, how should I credit them? Is Zeemis ok with you?

Beta cycle has finally started for FF3usME 6.6. Here is the download link:

I've also opened up a thread on the Mnrogar forum to track the follow-up.

I've gone through my email since FF3usME 6.5 and you're probably the one writing me the most constructive feedback. So if you have other enhancement ideas, keep sending them, I'll see what I can do.

Lord J

What should I suggest?
Comments are greatly appreciated, it may just mean the futre (or fate) of hacking FFVI.

RE: Message from LordJ - CharMixa64 - 01-07-2010

A couple of things that would help greatly....hmm......

If possible...the Ability to Change Command Names or even Edit Commands themselves. Dunno if it's possible, but EVERY Spell or Ability have more than 7/10 Letters in them, making them all have 13 Letters. that would mean you could name a spell "Flabberghast." This would also help creating spells like "Meltdown" "Blizzaga" "Air Strike" and "Curana Wave." Also...If he can...an ability to edit the battles further, allowing Events to be changed...and maybe more (OR ALL) music tracks in battle, and meybe to change music In-Battle. Then again, I don't know what he can do, but these would help me (along with many others...) achieve greater things.

RE: Message from LordJ - SSJ Rick - 01-07-2010

(01-07-2010, 08:47 PM)CharMixa64 Wrote: A couple of things that would help greatly....hmm......

If possible...the Ability to Change Command Names or even Edit Commands themselves. Dunno if it's possible, but EVERY Spell or Ability have more than 7/10 Letters in them, making them all have 13 Letters. that would mean you could name a spell "Flabberghast." This would also help creating spells like "Meltdown" "Blizzaga" "Air Strike" and "Curana Wave." Also...If he can...an ability to edit the battles further, allowing Events to be changed...and maybe more (OR ALL) music tracks in battle, and meybe to change music In-Battle. Then again, I don't know what he can do, but these would help me (along with many others...) achieve greater things.

well about the amount of letters that can be changed through hex editing, but the problem with that is the editors wont be able to read the rom the right way anymore

my suggestion is a dialog & font editor
oh yea, the link doesn't work =/

RE: Message from LordJ - DarkVee - 01-08-2010

Here, try this link: http://www.angelfire.com/pq/jumparound/dl/FF3usME660_Beta1.zip

RE: Message from LordJ - SSJ Rick - 01-08-2010

still no Sad

RE: Message from LordJ - Zeemis - 01-08-2010

The initial link is now fixed, also here:

Remember, it's a beta not the full version. If it screws up your project, don't blame me or him. Back everything up!

RE: Message from LordJ - SSJ Rick - 01-09-2010

thnx man Smile

RE: Message from LordJ - SSJ Rick - 01-09-2010

ugh it sez its missing a plugin Sad
nvm I'm good lol :p

RE: Message from LordJ - Micki Chiba - 01-09-2010

It's the dlls! I found couple dlls plug-in and I put in the FIXED verison.

Here it is:

RE: Message from LordJ - LordSutebenu - 01-19-2010

I thought I would report this:

When I use the this version 6.6 to give people certain abilities (I've done it for Swdtech specifically) it does something to the game so that there aren't any descriptions or abilities in the menu for SwdTech and even if you have a weapon with SwdTech ability equipped it only allows you to use the first one even if you are able to use three or so abilities already. I'm not sure how to fix this but it was something I discovered that dealt with FF3usME 6.6 .

EDIT: it still does it even on a clean copy. But what I found out is that when you get that certain character you can use those abilities; however it is up to those characters (Mog for Dance, Sabin for Blitz and Cyan for Swdtech) to learn the rest of the abilities. This may not be the place to post a question but:

Is there a way to make so that I can allow another character to learn the blitz/Dance/Swdtech's instead of the original characters that use them?