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Help with spriting! - Printable Version

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Help with spriting! - Xzephor - 11-24-2016

So I'm currently making a new character based off of Edgar's sprite, and im trying to reverse the position of his legs in the walking animation but changes in one affect the state of the other. How do I get around this? Thanks!

RE: Help with spriting! - ScarabEnigma - 11-24-2016

Are you using ff3se? cause that has a visual error. Likely you may need to do the edit and then load the sheet on ff3usme and fix the error.

RE: Help with spriting! - Tenkarider - 11-24-2016

which kind of visual error?  Surprised

RE: Help with spriting! - ScarabEnigma - 11-24-2016

The one where the bottom most tiles of the walking facing foward and backward do not mirror when editing a sprite with ff3se! [Image: X5HAeTD.png]

RE: Help with spriting! - madsiur - 11-24-2016

FF3usME 6.71 has this bug fixed too.

RE: Help with spriting! - Tenkarider - 11-24-2016

glad to never having used if for draw character sprites.

RE: Help with spriting! - Xzephor - 11-24-2016

thanks for the info! Ill look into it more, so should I be using be using FFusME for sprite editing then? Is it the better choice?

wait, did the editing on FFSE and then loaded it on to FFusME 6.71 and animated and it worked perfectly! I prefer the editing on FFSE because I can see the whole sprite, its not in smaller sections. So ill just switch over to ME after.

RE: Help with spriting! - LordSutebenu - 11-25-2016

oh my, this takes me back to the good ol' days, lol