FF6 Hacking
Giving Desperation Attacks to other characters? - Printable Version

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Giving Desperation Attacks to other characters? - Scorcher - 07-27-2014

How do I give Desperation Attacks to other characters? Like, I wanna give Leo Celes' Spin Edge and Banon Strago's Sabre Soul.

RE: Giving Desperation Attacks to other characters? - madsiur - 07-27-2014

The spell ID just follow the character ID, a value of #$F0 is added to that number:

C2/1605: 09 F0        ORA #$F0  
C2/1607: 85 B6        STA $B6     (add F0h to modified character #, then save as attack #)

you would need to add exception at C2/1605, like this example:

1) CMP #$01   (Check if character is Locke)
2) BNE XX     (Branch to #6 if not Locke)
3) LDA #$F3   (Load spell #$F3)
4) STA $B6    (Save as attack)
5) BRA XX     (branch to C2/1609 or its equivalent)
6) ORA #$F0
7) STA $B6

RE: Giving Desperation Attacks to other characters? - Scorcher - 07-27-2014

Um, could you make it a little simpler for a noob to hex?