FF6 Hacking
Greater Item Bonuses - Printable Version

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Greater Item Bonuses - ReturnerScum - 05-24-2014

Hi hackers! I was wondering if anyone has seen a thread or knows how to make it so that items could give more than just +/- 7 to stats, and more than +/- 12.5% to 50% HP or MP? I searched the mnrogar threads and this thread and couldn't find anything. I'd love to add this to my mod I'm about to release, thanks!

RE: Greater Item Bonuses - madsiur - 05-24-2014

Byte 17 & 18 of the item data are responsible of this. As you can see there is 2 stats per bytes, and all possible combinations covers a value from 0 to 0xFF, meaning there is no more room on the byte. Unless you expand the item data or remove item attributes and allocate one stat per byte I don't see how this is possible. It would be IMO a tedious job.

17: Vigor & Speed
        0x01 to 0x07 =  1 to 7  (vigor)
        0x08 to 0x0F = -0 to -7 (Vigor)
        0x10 to 0x70 =  1 to 7  (Speed)
        0x80 to 0xF0 = -0 to -7 (Speed)
18: Stamina & Magic Power
        0x01 to 0x07 =  1 to 7  (Stamina)
        0x08 to 0x0F = -0 to -7 (Stamina)
        0x10 to 0x70 =  1 to 7  (Magic Power)
        0x80 to 0xF0 = -0 to -7 (Magic Power)

RE: Greater Item Bonuses - ReturnerScum - 05-24-2014

Damn, thanks.