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monster sprite is jumbled in ff3usme - Printable Version

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monster sprite is jumbled in ff3usme - Snap006 - 11-06-2013

I imported some monster spritea and eveything looks fine in the atma editor but when I open it in ff3usme the sprites are cut into different segments and jumbled together. This is mostly with the larger sprites but a few small ones have messd up as well. Most off the sprites that are doing this are ones I've never messed with.

RE: monster sprite is jumbled in ff3usme - Gi Nattak - 11-06-2013

I'm not too sure what could have happened off hand. What kind (size and format) of monster sprites did you import, and over which sprites? Have you checked in battle to see if the sprite is indeed messed up? I'm sure it is, but if the atma editor shows it's okay, then that's kinda weird. How much free space are you showing in the atma editor?

Did you have a lot of work done? If not you should start over and make backups frequently and just be careful and check often to see if it happens again so you know what caused it.

RE: monster sprite is jumbled in ff3usme - Snap006 - 11-06-2013

Ok. So I've been messing around with it.

I added new sprites in place of the 8 dragons. Basically I wanted to use the 8 archfiends from the various games. 6 of the 8 work fine. Anyway I deleted the last two sprites I imported and in ff6usme the monster sprites are back to normal.

I click on the new image. Every time I try to add a new monster that will happen. I triple checked to make sure the colors and size are correct. I have 5200 free space so that shouldn't be an issue unless the custom palettes I made for the faces is taking up some room.

It's frustrating, because I have the space. I just wish I could figure out what is causing this.

RE: monster sprite is jumbled in ff3usme - madsiur - 11-07-2013

It's not only a matter of free bytes in the monster graphics data.

The game use graphic composition data and they are 128 for small monsters and 48 for big monsters (including espers). I'm pretty sure the editor can create new composition data in terms of tiles occupied by the sprite you import. Now each composition data is 8 bytes for small sprites and 32 bytes for big sprites. There is only 220 free bytes after that data so I can imagine if you create 7 new composition data of 32 bytes, you would exceed the free space and Terii Shenshi most likely programmed some kind of safeguard to not overwrite the data after.

12AA24    12AE23    DATA    No    "Monster 8-High Composition Data (128 elements, 8 bytes each)"    
12AE24    12B423    DATA    No    "Monster 16-High Composition Data, Espers towards end (48 elements, 32 bytes each)"    
12B424    12B4FF    ---    No    UNUSED SPACE (220 bytes)

RE: monster sprite is jumbled in ff3usme - Snap006 - 11-07-2013

That's exactly what it was. I replace the sprites with smaller ones and it worked fine. Then I went delete a large sprite and imported mine and worked. Thanks

RE: monster sprite is jumbled in ff3usme - Tenkarider - 07-24-2014

Is it possible to jump in another empty space, to make possible to load even more big sprites?

RE: monster sprite is jumbled in ff3usme - madsiur - 07-24-2014

(07-24-2014, 12:03 AM)Tenkarider Wrote: Is it possible to jump in another empty space, to make possible to load even more big sprites?

That is what I'll try to do. You need to modify FF3SE source though.