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FF3SE Palletes Issues Help - Printable Version

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FF3SE Palletes Issues Help - Icarus Kuroi - 09-05-2013

''i couldn't find a right place to post about hacking questions so please tell me if i posted this in the wrong place''

Okay.. so, i was trying to replace original sprites from a rom with FF3SE using custom sprites sheets i download from here.

but when i do that, other sprites from other characters get their colors messed up, even if i change the messed up characters with other custom sheets it just mess up other sprites too.

and not only that but when i try load a sprite sheet it says 128x128 only so i only can load a few sprites sheets i download from here
and if i try decreasing the size of the sheets to 128x128 it says something about 16 colors only.

So im confused.
and sorry for my bad english.
please forgive me for asking all this with this grammar Cover

RE: FF3SE Palletes Issues Help - Badass - 09-06-2013

If it has a death sprite n riding sprite use ffusme to upload. Also characters share palettes so with any color change will alter anyone on that same palette #. Use ffusme to change battle palette and Get windhex as well to fix overworld colors. (Events have an effect on palettes).

RE: FF3SE Palletes Issues Help - SSJ Rick - 09-06-2013

there is also a thread that answers all of your questions here https://www.ff6hacking.com/forums/showthread.php?tid=2098

RE: FF3SE Palletes Issues Help - Gi Nattak - 09-06-2013

I'm starting to think when ff6hacking loads, it should go right to the search feature Wink

RE: FF3SE Palletes Issues Help - SSJ Rick - 09-07-2013

people just need to read, I get and understand nobody knows everything, and I'm not trying to rank on this kid or anything, but we consistently answer the SAME questions over and over again, its just very frustrating to deal with it on a regular basis

if you need any personal 1 on 1 help with sprites I'll be more then happy to help you out man, but these types of questions just look at the spriters exchange for all the info regarding sprites please view them as well as the rules

thank you

RE: FF3SE Palletes Issues Help - Icarus Kuroi - 09-09-2013

You're Welcome.

RE: FF3SE Palletes Issues Help - Angelo26 - 09-09-2013

Quote:people just need to read, I get and understand nobody knows everything, and I'm not trying to rank on this kid or anything, but we consistently answer the SAME questions over and over again, its just very frustrating to deal with it on a regular basis

Not to sound like I'm bragging or like I know it all...but...My thoughts exactly...XD