FF6 Hacking
Random hacking ideas - Printable Version

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Random hacking ideas - NeoBahamut - 08-26-2009

Yes, this was inspired by Rija Hibicki or however you spell his nick....
anyways, here are my various hacking ideas, if anyone plans on using them, I would at least like to know ahead of time, and given at least credit for the idea.

I will speparate them into catagories:
Characters, Protagonists
Job: Summoner
Age: 68
Command list:
Learned Spells: All lightning related magic, all time (or grey) magic, and a few white magic spells.
Equipable weapons: Only rods and staffs.
Equipable gear: No shields, no armor, only clothing, capes, robes, basically anything that is cloth-like he can equip.
Relecs: The same that Srago can equip.
Stats: low attack, very high magic, medium speed, average defence, anything else is your choice.

Job: Mystic Samurai
Age: 32
Command List:
Mystic Blade
Learned spells: None
Learned Mystic Blade Spells (Ask me for definition if you want to use the Mystic Blade):
Lv 1 - Quick Blade
Lv 4 - Flame Slash
Lv 9 - Frost Slash
Lv 15 - Volt Slash
Lv 21 - Gust Blade
Lv 28 - Dragon Strike
Lv 34 - Diety Cutter
Lv 42 - Mirage Blade
(More if you want them)

Comment if you want to hear the rest. (I don't want to feel like I'm posting stuff people won't use.)