FF6 Hacking
E3 - 2013 - Printable Version

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E3 - 2013 - daemoth - 06-11-2013

Please discuss your opinion!

FFXV Woa, this look like morelike Devil May Cry than FF... Rip turn based....

The whole XboxOne restriction on game is pretty absurd.
Angry Joe Rant
And the fact Ps4 is enjoying themselve is pretty funny.
What is Ps4? NOT XBOX ONE!

Note that theres absolutely nothing that will make me buy next gen console. The only single reason i would ever buy one, is if they make a FF6 remake Laugh Which would suck cause the WoR would be an expansion, Gogo and Umaro, a Dlc. And if its on Ios, you would have to pay real money to buy Phoenix down or Tents.

RE: E3 - 2013 - madsiur - 06-11-2013

I am really pissed with FFXV because this game is suppose to be FFXIII Versus for the PS3. It was announced as a PS3 game 7 years ago, now I really wonder what the fu** Square-Enix is doing. Seven years and they switch the game platform... They don't realize people bought PS3 only in the expectation of this game.

Edit: I saw that PS4 commercial yesterday. I laughed really hard!

RE: E3 - 2013 - Ghost XIII - 06-11-2013

I love how SE keeps releasing "Japanese fanboy: the game." Definitely does not sadden me to see a company whose games I loved so much keep doing this.