FF6 Hacking
Getting myself started - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Getting myself started (/thread-2196.html)

Getting myself started - gordonblue - 06-06-2013

Hey all!
Just wondering if any of you fine folks can let me know a bit about getting started.
What is necessary for me to begin? What programs do you recomend?
Probably the only useful program i have o far is paint.net.
i certainly have a number of ideas, so i am indeed already armed with an imagination .
thanks for any and all help!

RE: Getting myself started - madsiur - 06-06-2013

I would suggest to check out the "tools" section and "Resources and links" along with the sticky threads in the different forums, then maybe play around with the different programs and have a look at the documentation available. The most complete program is FF3usME but there is other programs of interest depending what you need to do.

RE: Getting myself started - Lockirby2 - 06-06-2013

If you visit the site's the tools section, you'll find just about everything you'll need to begin hacking, as well as a short description of what each of them does. What you'll need in particular depends on exactly what you are going to do though. Good luck!

EDIT: Lol, you beat me to it Madsiur.

RE: Getting myself started - Ghost XIII - 06-06-2013

Definitely make use of the tutorials around the site, and also a few members have also uploaded tutorial videos on youtube (I know Zeemis has done quite a few which are really great introductions.) Keep backup roms and do a bit of dicking around too, I probably learned about as much from tutorials as I did from my mistakes, in time you'll get the hang of it and figure out what you're good at and what you like doing best. Also be patient, you won't be good at first, my first sprite sheets were garbage. Also welcome to the community.

RE: Getting myself started - SSJ Rick - 06-06-2013

also please don't forget to view the rules of the forums please

and feel free to msg me or any other staff members for some help

RE: Getting myself started - gordonblue - 06-07-2013

Thanks everyone. i will admit, its all pretty daunting, but it seems like you guys have agood community here. i will poke around a little more and see what i can do.

RE: Getting myself started - Badass - 06-07-2013

welcome... if you plan on spriting make sure you read this..

I honestly never read instructions and started spriting randomly... I messed up like 3 sprites.. few hours lost... all because I didn't realize the last four colors are for npcs only (meaning if you use the last four colors it is messed up in the battle sprites).

Good Luck and welcome bro!