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General Questions and my project - Printable Version

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General Questions and my project - ZellDincht1226 - 07-28-2009

Okay well, this site is highly reliable, and I wanted to share my project idea with a few questions.

My project is making a Final Fantasy Dissidia, RPG version. Using FFVI's engine to do the whole thing (because their sprites and animations are obviously the best of the 2-d games) anyways, all I need to worry about now is sprite editing.

Right now, I'm using FF3se, as it's very user friendly. However, it's not cutting it.

As for the questions, my main one is, Can I use WoL-Tidus each having separate color palettes? because I want each character to look distinct.

My second question is, can anyone provide me with some good sprites that can make this work? Please, if anyone can help, it would be wonderful. If anyone wants to help with the actual thing, I'm open for help, you will be credited. Anyways, yeah.

RE: General Questions and my project - SSJ Rick - 07-28-2009

well it sounds like you want to change someone's palette, to change one individual's palette you are going to have to hack the interior of the game using a hex editor

RE: General Questions and my project - ZellDincht1226 - 07-28-2009

I'm not too proficient with hex editors. I need a little outside help then, I suppose.

RE: General Questions and my project - SSJ Rick - 07-28-2009

well it depends on what you need to do

if its a small tweak like that, I'm sure you can figure it out, you can look @ Lord J's website for a reference or you can just ask the guys @ Pandora's Box Smile