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Final Fantasy The Untold Stories - Printable Version

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Final Fantasy The Untold Stories - NeoBahamut - 07-12-2009

This will be a series of games made by myself and hopefully a group of people with me.
I will be making one version of the game, however I'd love to have two versions, one for the RPG maker thing, and one for SNES.

Here is how it will go.

In every Final Fantasy game, there is at least one unique charecter, be it an LMC, PMC, or an NPC, they are all have stories that are not told. Gogo for FFVI, Cecil's entire Past for FFIV, Rex in general for FFXII.
I am going to make twelve posts in all for each of these games, explaining their entire plot. This will be a group hack.

I will start off with Final Fantasy

Perhaps explaining the history of the four boys before they became warriors of light?

(I need help with this one, no real story, so therefor, almost no major charecters.)

RE: Final Fantasy The Untold Stories - RajaHibiki - 07-14-2009

What, no credit for the idea? XD

I recommend doing it sort of like 8 bit theater. Not as in comedy (although that would be WONDERFUL) but as in have all of the classes as characters.

White Mage must be a girl. I will never forgive you if it's a man.

RE: Final Fantasy The Untold Stories - NeoBahamut - 07-14-2009

Let's make it more interesting and let BM be a girl too. They've never actually proven that he is a man. And I have been considering that for a hack for quite some time now. Making an 8Bit Theatre hack that follows the story of 8 Bit Theatre that is. And I was going to do it on FFIII NES.

RE: Final Fantasy The Untold Stories - WilliamDRailesSR - 07-15-2009

You know, I think that GoGo is actually Daryl

RE: Final Fantasy The Untold Stories - RajaHibiki - 07-15-2009

I think that Gogo is the Terminator.

RE: Final Fantasy The Untold Stories - NeoBahamut - 07-16-2009

no. Gogo is a mime.

RE: Final Fantasy The Untold Stories - RajaHibiki - 07-16-2009

Yes, I was kidding. Gogo is just a character and there was never an intention for him/her to be another character from FFVI.