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Final Fantasy Souls of Time - Printable Version

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Final Fantasy Souls of Time - NeoBahamut - 07-12-2009

This is a solo project. It's completly original. And will be made with use of the RPG Maker 2003
The story line is this -
"Long ago in a disant world, exsisted an entity of great power. This entity was neither good nor evil. Once it completly arised, it began to feed off of the land. Now the entire world is once again at steak. And little do they know it, but the world's future lies in the hands of a Ninja and a White Mage."

This game will make use of a job system and a charecter system. Only two charecters in the game will be able to change jobs to keep players from making overly powerful teams. There will be fourteen playable charecters. They are:
Vince - Ninja
Aileen - Ninja
Vayne - Samurai
Klaus - Black Mage
Alice - Mage/Archer
Lance - Knight
Yuna - Monk
Alissa - Freelancer (Changable job)
Mia - Theif
Reiker - Archer
Cynthia - White Mage
Marissa - Sage
Faeth - Pirate
Edgar - Freelancer (Changable Job)

Vince and Aileen are brother and sister. (Aileen is older by one year. But Vince is more mature.)

Any questions?