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one simple sprite and portrait request - Printable Version

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one simple sprite and portrait request - welchdrew - 07-06-2009

I'd like to request a portrait and sprite of the red link from zelda four swords. Just for a romhack I'd like to start making, this is all i request.

I know I saw the one thread saying you dont take requests, but i thought id try to ask anyway.

RE: one simple sprite and portrait request - SSJ Rick - 07-06-2009

funny thing is

that can be done pretty easily lol

I mean the mugshot is not a problem @ all, but I can try to do a Link to the Past sheet for u, its really just putting him into place when u think about it, but I cant promise anything @ this moment because I got a lot of shyt on my plate now

RE: one simple sprite and portrait request - welchdrew - 07-06-2009

thing is, i was hoping for four swords red link for sprites. Oh and is a mugshot a portrait? Just asking.

RE: one simple sprite and portrait request - SSJ Rick - 07-06-2009

yeah a mugshot is a portrait

but idk about that 1

I'll try n see what I can do

RE: one simple sprite and portrait request - NeoBahamut - 07-07-2009

Just use the Link to the Past sprites, and recolor his Red Mail sprite to actually be red, not pink hat, purple shirt, and green sleeves.
(Man his Red Mail sprite in LttP is [can we say the f word here?] up. O_o)

RE: one simple sprite and portrait request - Azure_Kudo - 07-07-2009

and add the yellow hair if wanted (LttP just has it all covered by hat)

RE: one simple sprite and portrait request - welchdrew - 07-22-2009

I dont want my red link to be alttp though, i was hoping for four swods link as its toon link.

Oh and i found myself a mugshot.