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Meanwhile, in Japan... Mecha! - Printable Version

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Meanwhile, in Japan... Mecha! - Abel.Emporia - 07-31-2012

It's happening the age of Gundam is coming soon.

The Japanese are building Prototype Mecha's already.

Price: 1,300,000$ Not including S & H

RE: Meanwhile, in Japan... Mecha! - daemoth - 07-31-2012

Surprised Zomg, and he have, not one, but two minigun on his arm.... One was just not enough! lol

RE: Meanwhile, in Japan... Mecha! - SSJ Rick - 08-01-2012


RE: Meanwhile, in Japan... Mecha! - madsiur - 08-01-2012

At that cost, I'm not sure it will become a global trend. It's an impressive toy, nonetheless. It must be quite difficult to control and it's maybe a reason why the U.S. Army has not (yet) developed officially something similar, unless I'm mistaken.

Japanese press article

Suidobashijuko Industries