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7 Characters i made a while ago. - Printable Version

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7 Characters i made a while ago. - daemoth - 07-19-2012

I made those characters a while ago for my project, and after i made them, i found them too weird or too similar to the original to use them.
I only made 3 stance since at the time, i only needed these. Also, i made 3 colors of each, ( 1 for the players, 1 for the enemy, 1 for the npc) but i will put just one color of each stance.
[Image: imgshk.png][Image: imgshk.png][Image: imgshk.png]
Warrior ( Dont look at the eyebrow of the casting stance ) :
[Image: imgshk.png][Image: imgshk.png][Image: imgshk.png]
[Image: imgshk.png]
[Image: imgshk.png][Image: imgshk.png]
[Image: imgshk.png]
These was my first ever attempt at making sprites. So, oh, Mighty FF6 spriters, what should i improve? or should i stick to programming and never try again?

[Image: imgshk.png][Image: imgshk.png]
[Image: imgshk.png][Image: imgshk.png][Image: imgshk.png]
[Image: imgshk.png][Image: imgshk.png][Image: imgshk.png]
[Image: imgshk.png][Image: imgshk.png]
[Image: imgshk.png]

RE: 7 Characters i made a while ago. - B-Run - 07-19-2012

I am a big fan of the knight and assasin casting poses. Original, and well-done.

RE: 7 Characters i made a while ago. - madsiur - 07-20-2012

I agree with Edrin. My favorite is the Assassin casting pose and the Green Wizard. You should continue practicing spriting. You should become good with time.

RE: 7 Characters i made a while ago. - SSJ Rick - 07-20-2012

there is potential in the custom poses

but unfortunately they are way too similar to the original characters

RE: 7 Characters i made a while ago. - CrumpledMedal - 07-20-2012

They need a little more originality and shading, look at a few of the custom sprite sheets on here and gather some information and some constructive criticism. If you can put some originality in them maybe they'd be nice.