FF6 Hacking
New style sprite sheets - Printable Version

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New style sprite sheets - B-Run - 06-13-2012

So, I am new to the boards. I have been tinkering with sprites for something like 10 years... I always did my work in FF3usSpriteED... but I see everyone here uses FF3se... my version was dusty and unused so I downloaded a fresh copy to make sure I was current and exported my sprite files... but I am coming up a few sprites short on the page.


Is there a tool to do the whole "New style" sprite sheet? or are these images edited by hand? I want to make sure I'm doing the correct thing because I intend to start doing some more serious hacking in the near future.

RE: New style sprite sheets - SSJ Rick - 06-14-2012

I use the same editor u do, we just use ff3se and usme to export the image and show them off

usme exports it in the new format

RE: New style sprite sheets - Micki Chiba - 06-14-2012

Edrin,did you used make sprites like this:
[Image: 14633.png]

RE: New style sprite sheets - B-Run - 06-16-2012

I'm not sure whether you are asking me if I made that sprite or if that's the sprite sheet style I used.

I did not make that spritesheet, it looks like setzers body with sabins head, I generally try to be a little more original with my outfits and hair. I have 3 sheets I just put in the gallery, a red mage that needs some touching up, and completed pages for my renditions of vicks and wedge without their uniforms. I have several unfinished sheets on my computer that I am tinkering with again now too. I have never released any of my work on the internet until the 3 I just posted.

I always did my editing directly in the sprite editor, I never did the import/export thing except for saving sheets, never to edit and reimport.

RE: New style sprite sheets - Yuke311 - 06-16-2012

1: he didnt ask you if you made it.
2: he asked you if thats the er... sprite sheet style you use.
thats all he wanted to asked

RE: New style sprite sheets - B-Run - 06-17-2012

Erm... I guess. Its the kind that I ended up with when I tried to export so I could upload my sprites here, but I'm going to get that fixed so that I have the chocobo riding sprites and other faint sprite in there too.