FF6 Hacking
King of Baron Finished - Printable Version

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King of Baron Finished - JWhiteLXXXIX - 04-29-2012

K so i been changing my banon and was wondering who to change him into when i thought.. why not the evil king of baron from 4?

[Image: ff4-king_baron.png]
All done Laugh

[Image: ff4-king_baron_portrait1.png]
[Image: ff4-king_baron_portrait2.png]

It uses pallet 3 and the only modified colour is the 5th.. which isnt used by the goomba, joker, bowser or magus character (Score!)

RE: Banon to FF4's King Banon Teaser - Zeemis - 04-29-2012

Do you mean Barons king? He wasn't evil, the water fiend cagnazzo imposter was.
This sprite sheet looks great!

RE: Banon to FF4's King Banon Teaser - JWhiteLXXXIX - 04-30-2012

Yeah thats the guy lol, yeah my mistake been awhile since iv had a playthrough of 4.. thanks man ill try to get him finished by the end of today. itd prob make a good gestal replacement 2

RE: King of Baron Finished - SSJ Rick - 04-30-2012

not bad Smile

RE: King of Baron Finished - JWhiteLXXXIX - 04-30-2012

cheers Smile

RE: King of Baron Finished - CrumpledMedal - 05-01-2012

Nice sprite sheet, the king of Baron is a good one to do, he also looks like that King Harkinian in Zelda:Wand of Gamelon where they have those bad cut-scenes, that game was one of the ones Zelda makers distanced themselves from real quick.

RE: King of Baron Finished - JWhiteLXXXIX - 05-01-2012

Thanks im glad u like him

RE: King of Baron Finished - CrumpledMedal - 05-01-2012

(05-01-2012, 08:24 AM)Jameswhite89 Wrote: Thanks im glad u like him

Yer welcome, Anything from FFIV is a welcome addition because I like it considerably better than FFVI story-wise. If FFIV had the same graphic capabilities as FF6 did it would have been considerably lot better. FFVI is more urban and technological while FFIV is more standard fantasy and has elemental Crystals and four fiends. BUT regardless I enjoyed both.

RE: King of Baron Finished - JWhiteLXXXIX - 05-01-2012

Agreed but i think i prefer 6's story as it was a bit modern steam punk styled like chrono trigger. 4 has a great old time feel tho for sure and made you care more about the characters.. i was well wounded when i thought yang was dead lol.