FF6 Hacking
Crimson Guard - Printable Version

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Crimson Guard - JWhiteLXXXIX - 04-24-2012

As my second character is xyraa it kind of messes up vicks and wedge so i made this character to replace them.. its a crimson guard (vaders bodyguards as he is first character lol)

[Image: other-crimson_guard_portrait.png]
[Image: other-crimson_guard.png]

RE: Crimson Guard - ribbits - 04-25-2012

Nice! I love Star Wars and love it even more when people make sprites for it. You ever thought about doing some of the main cast - Luke, Han, Leia, Chewbacca, Obi-Wan, Yoda, etc?

RE: Crimson Guard - JWhiteLXXXIX - 04-25-2012

Yeah man did try starting on a yoda but it was incredibly difficult. This one only took like an hour its fairly basic lol. Thanks tho

RE: Crimson Guard - Zeemis - 04-25-2012

James, do you plan on fixing up Squall's portrait at all?

RE: Crimson Guard - JWhiteLXXXIX - 04-25-2012

yeah sure man im sure ill get round to it at some point... hes been alot tricker then i thought... I was even working from that offical image of him.. not sure why i cant get him to look right :/

RE: Crimson Guard - SSJ Rick - 04-26-2012

not bad man

RE: Crimson Guard - ribbits - 04-26-2012

if you make more star wars sprites and we can get enough to work in the game, I'd love to work on a ff6 star wars hack of some kind. Just throwing that out there.

RE: Crimson Guard - JWhiteLXXXIX - 04-27-2012

Poco: Thanks man it was a really quick one lol
Ribbits: I may makes some more at some point lol.. tbh i only really made this one to sort out vicks and wedge in my hack.. i might make some more soon. chewy is tempting.. definatley wanna make palpatine at some point

RE: Crimson Guard - ribbits - 04-27-2012

chewie would be rad. would it be easy enough to tweak an umaro?

RE: Crimson Guard - SSJ Rick - 04-27-2012

Umaro or the Beast would make a perfect Base

I was considering making a beast sprite sheet for a while now I just never got around to it