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Pirate Tease - Printable Version

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Pirate Tease - FEOK - 02-01-2012

[Image: imgshk.png]

Ahoy fellow hackers. Wink

This is the Pirate I'm working on for Mikes hack. Still needs some work but I think he looks pretty good.
The pallete is for Mikes hack otherwise I would have changed it a bit.
His suppose to be based on Captain Kid from the World Heroes fighting game but he kinda looks like an original character lol.

Please give me feedback, whether your a spriter or not. It will help me become a better spriter.

RE: Pirate Tease - Gi Nattak - 02-01-2012

That looks REALLY nice there Henry! It's actually as perfect as it can be, even more so than I imagined, you nailed it! Keep up the good work my friend, it's beautiful. =)

RE: Pirate Tease - FEOK - 02-01-2012

Thanks a lot. ^_^

I personally feel it could be improved a bit lol, I need to lighten the coat up by adding some shading. I basically just did Setzers coat lol >.>
I'm gonna change the ready to attack pose since I know I can do better than that.

RE: Pirate Tease - SSJ Rick - 02-01-2012

I think it looks good

I personally would have given him sleeves though

.....and an eye patch lol

but since my female char on there has a patch there is no need lolz

but its coming out good

keep it up bro

RE: Pirate Tease - Gi Nattak - 02-01-2012

Yeah agreed, eye patch ftw! XD Either or though, the actual char its based off of surprisingly does not sport an eye patch, but if it looks good here, might as well.

RE: Pirate Tease - SSJ Rick - 02-01-2012

do u want me 2 finish it?

RE: Pirate Tease - Gi Nattak - 02-01-2012

If it's cool with Henry, I'd say for sure. It can be credited as a collaboration sprite. Just to speed up the process of this. Just know Henry that you started it and made the original design and everything, that is an epic win right there bro, we just trying to save you some time and lesson the load. If you want to continue it though, please do. =) We all in this thing together haha.

RE: Pirate Tease - SSJ Rick - 02-01-2012

personally I think a colab would be good

I always wanted to colab with him since we havent yet

RE: Pirate Tease - FEOK - 02-02-2012

If you wanna finish him go right ahead Poco. Wink
It will be much appriciated, thanks a lot!

I'll be pretty busy this week, next week I'll be free though.

I actually meant to do an eye patch but forgot. >.>
I was just looking at Captain Kid and since he didn't have one I forgot to add it.

RE: Pirate Tease - Badass - 02-02-2012

Looks really good bruh.. any tips you got for a characters armor when they turn sideways? i still can't figure out what colors to use when my sprite turns Laugh