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Hey You, Outta My Way! - Printable Version

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Hey You, Outta My Way! - JCE3000GT - 01-26-2012

Hey You, Outta My Way! has officially been released, albeit a month late. My cover artist was a bit busy over the holidays.


Album Creator: JCE3000GT
Album Artwork: Tim Truelove
Disc(s): 2
Year: 2012
Release Date: 1/25/2012

Cover art:
[Image: HeyYouOuttaMyWay_front_small.jpg] [Image: HeyYouOuttaMyWay_back_small.jpg]

01 Donkey Kong Country - Bonus Round
02 Donkey Kong Country - King K Rool
03 Estpolis Denki - Boss Battle
04 Estpolis Denki - The Last Battle
05 Estpolis Denki II - Boss Battle
06 Estpolis Denki II - The Final Battle
07 Gradius III - Aqua Illusion
08 Gradius III - Cosmo Plant
09 Gradius III - Dead End Cell
10 Gradius III - Departure for Space
11 Gradius III - Fire Scramble
12 Gradius III - In the Wind
13 Gradius III - Sand Storm
14 SoulBlader - Southera
15 SoulBlader - The Shrine of the Master
16 Star Fox - Corneria
17 Star Fox - Course Clear (Band Version)
18 Star Fox - Course Clear (Orchestra Version)
19 Star Fox - Map Select
20 Street Fighter 2 - Ending
21 Street Fighter 2 - Guile's Stage
22 Street Fighter 2 - Sagat's Stage
23 Super Catlevania IV - Theme of Simon
24 Super Mario RPG - Fight Against a Stronger Monster
25 Super R-Type - Solo Sortie
26 Ys III Wanderers From Ys - Eldam Mountains
27 Ys III Wanderers From Ys - Ilvern Ruins
28 Ys III Wanderers From Ys - Spiral Staircase
29 Ys III Wanderers From Ys - The Clock Tower
30 Ys III Wanderers From Ys - Town of Redmont
31 Ys III Wanderers From Ys - Underground Lava Cave
32 Final Fantasy I - Matoya's Cave (Bonus Track)

RE: Hey You, Outta My Way! - pjmcphee87 - 01-26-2012

Sweet! I've been waiting for this Laugh

RE: Hey You, Outta My Way! - SSJ Rick - 01-26-2012


RE: Hey You, Outta My Way! - JCE3000GT - 01-26-2012

Excellent. So give me your honest opinions.

Most of the tracks are a good deal different while maintaining the originality. There are a couple of tracks that I actually didn't do much to, most notably the Donkey Kong Country Bonus Round and the Super Mario RPG tune.

RE: Hey You, Outta My Way! - pjmcphee87 - 01-26-2012

(01-26-2012, 05:04 PM)JCE3000GT Wrote: Excellent. So give me your honest opinions.

I would if I could download em. I'm getting a 404 on every track Sad

EDIT: Figured out the problem, the url is duplicated


should be:

RE: Hey You, Outta My Way! - JCE3000GT - 01-26-2012

Damn it. Lol


Links fixed.