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What are you watching/streaming? - Printable Version

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What are you watching/streaming? - JCE3000GT - 01-25-2012

Now that I've finished watching Star Trek DS9 on Netflix its time for another show to watch... Babylon 5, Farscape, Stargate SG-1, Hercules or maybe something else. Might just watch Stargate. This will take a long time to finish. A. Long. Time. Took me almost 2 months to finish DS9 and Voyager and those only have ¾ of the episodes of SG-1...

I've seen this stuff before so it isn't new, but, that doesn't mean I don't enjoy it. Stargate SG-1 and Babylon 5 are ones I haven't gone through in a while so those might be first on my list.

RE: What are you watching/streaming? - pjmcphee87 - 01-25-2012

I absolutely love Babylon 5. The acting can be hit or miss, but when it's good, it's great (Londo and G'Kar). The first season can be slow, and the fifth isn't that good, but everything in between is near perfection. It's definitely one of the best shows I've ever watched, and paved the way for things like CGI in Science Fiction, and story arcs that last more than an episode.

And the finale makes me cry everytime I watch it... there, I said it... it's out there now lol

RE: What are you watching/streaming? - IzBatt - 01-25-2012

If you haven't seen The Big Bang Theory it is super funny. I'm currently starting season 4 and have only been watching for about 2 weeks. (It's just that funny that I keep staying up to watch one more episode.)

RE: What are you watching/streaming? - JCE3000GT - 01-25-2012

(01-25-2012, 08:02 AM)PJM Wrote: I absolutely love Babylon 5. The acting can be hit or miss, but when it's good, it's great (Londo and G'Kar). The first season can be slow, and the fifth isn't that good, but everything in between is near perfection. It's definitely one of the best shows I've ever watched, and paved the way for things like CGI in Science Fiction, and story arcs that last more than an episode.

And the finale makes me cry everytime I watch it... there, I said it... it's out there now lol

I agree. Babylon 5 is one fine show. MJS did a great job showing the establishment what it means to do a proper story arc. Seasons 2-4 are my favorite too.

(01-25-2012, 02:41 PM)IzBatt Wrote: If you haven't seen The Big Bang Theory it is super funny. I'm currently starting season 4 and have only been watching for about 2 weeks. (It's just that funny that I keep staying up to watch one more episode.)

Yea, my wife and I like it. But it isn't on Netflix yet. We like to start watching stuff from the beginning. :)

RE: What are you watching/streaming? - Gi Nattak - 01-25-2012

I really like the series 'Walking Dead', I'm waiting for the second season to start here.
I watch way too much T.V., I really like Hell's Kitchen, and of course South Park. They also brought back the 90's Nick shows (90's Are All That, it's called) which I like watching, purely for the nostalgia it radiates. Currently though at this very moment, I am watching COPS lol.

RE: What are you watching/streaming? - madsiur - 01-26-2012

I don't watch much TV. I rather spend my time programming or hacking. But I really enjoy series like South Park, American Dad, The Simpsons and Family Guy.
I also rent movies once in a while because I lik watching them in my bed and I'm too lazy to download/rip them so I go to the video store waste 5$. I like Sci-Fi movies and dramas (that's my emotional side). The last good movie I enjoyed were "Shutter Island", "Enter the void", "The ghost writer", "Blue valentine", "The king speech", "Black swan" and "inception". (The last two are some of the greatest movies I've seen in years, especially Black Swan).

RE: What are you watching/streaming? - pjmcphee87 - 01-26-2012

(01-25-2012, 10:49 PM)Gi Nattak Wrote: I really like the series 'Walking Dead', I'm waiting for the second season to start here.
I love that show, I'm just waiting to see the season 2 finale, but I'm waiting for a friend to have a day off cause we watch it together.

Other shows I like are Dexter, House, and Fringe. The first season of Prison Break was great too. Oh, and I just started watching Community, seems pretty funny so far Smile

RE: What are you watching/streaming? - Gi Nattak - 01-26-2012

I forgot to say how much I love 'Breaking Bad', that series is one of my favorites, although I feel it is currently not as good as the first couple seasons. Breaking Bad, great show. =)

RE: What are you watching/streaming? - FEOK - 01-26-2012

I don't really watch TV much but I love Family Guy or things similer such as The Simpsons and American Dad, Family Guy being my favorite though since I have every episode on DVD lol I was even gonna make a Lois Griffin sprite at one point and I made a start to one for Mugen (if anyone has heard of that).
I was also watching the Sopranos for a while but I kinda stole them from my dad lol. :p

Oh yeah and I remeber the Walking Dead coming on over here but never really heard much from it since the first season.