FF6 Hacking
PSI Ultima's Super Smash Brothers Brawl Mods! - Printable Version

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PSI Ultima's Super Smash Brothers Brawl Mods! - PSI Ultima - 08-15-2011

I have been leaving the realm of FF6 hacks. I still have been spriting, but a majority of my sprites are too bad to even be on this site. I however have been making some brawl mods!

[Image: imgshk.png]
Made out of boredom. My first hack.

Chibi Bartz
[Image: imgshk.png]
Made to play as two of my favorite characters at once. Wields the Brave Stick.

[Image: imgshk.png]
Made to make stage building cooler.

There is more to come so if you have any requests, leave a comment. This may end up being my farewell to this site though Sad .

RE: PSI Ultima's Super Smash Brothers Brawl Mods! - SSJ Rick - 08-16-2011

this looks promising

I like your work

I'd like 2 see more