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Mystic Quest Falls Basin freeze glitch - Printable Version

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Mystic Quest Falls Basin freeze glitch - Archaic - 06-10-2011

[Image: 19-FFMQ_C7P19.png]

In Falls Basin, there are some cartridges that simply freeze up the game. As far as I know, there is something wrong with the musical track in the game, because it causes freezing to happen in the Mines as well. (I was just about to say it didn't, but after thinking about it I recall it did freeze a couple times for me, just not nearly as often as Falls Basin) The music would play normally for about 30 seconds, and then stop, and as soon as you stop moving, so does the game stop processing entirely.

After googling and responding to quite a bit of people with the same problem from throughout the years, I've come to find that this is a more common glitch than I thought. Someone from youtube said in a comment that this is a glitch from earlier versions of the game, which makes sense, but some other people claim that their problems are a little different, one being that the game worked just fine in his brother's SNES, and another guy said his froze in the Ice Temple, every time he took a few steps. I didn't know it would freeze in other places as well!

Someone named PaladinCecil from youtube even said they had the same problem I had, having two copies of the game with the same problem. Laugh

That about clears things up with the Final Fantasy Mystic Quest Falls Basin game freeze glitch. Now I'm gonna go play it and hope it doesn't end up freezing. Sad

Anyone who has this problem: You are not alone. <_<

(Credit to 'Art' for the screenshot.)

RE: Mystic Quest Falls Basin freeze glitch - CrumpledMedal - 06-11-2011

I hated Falls Basin, I was always getting lost or getting the puzzles mixed up. I never recall my cartrige freezing but I heard about freezing issues.

RE: Mystic Quest Falls Basin freeze glitch - ArcadianKnight - 06-12-2011

i don't like falls basin either, and my cart doesn't freeze at that point, i also have the emulated version, 1.1 i think.

RE: Mystic Quest Falls Basin freeze glitch - CrumpledMedal - 06-12-2011

ArcadianKnight, I also hated Ice Pyramid as well, I was stuck on that temple from 1996 and I completed it in 1998 because I just got so fed up with that place. My favorites on that one were Doom Castle, The Alive Forest, and the Volcano and Mount Gale.

RE: Mystic Quest Falls Basin freeze glitch - ArcadianKnight - 06-12-2011

@Crumpledmetal: doom castle, ftw. Smile

RE: Mystic Quest Falls Basin freeze glitch - Archaic - 06-12-2011

(06-12-2011, 11:54 AM)CrumpledMedal Wrote: ArcadianKnight, I also hated Ice Pyramid as well, I was stuck on that temple from 1996 and I completed it in 1998 because I just got so fed up with that place. My favorites on that one were Doom Castle, The Alive Forest, and the Volcano and Mount Gale.

Anyone else find it kind of weird they named it the 'Alive' forest instead of something more phonetically correct like 'Living forest'? Laugh

RE: Mystic Quest Falls Basin freeze glitch - ArcadianKnight - 06-14-2011

@archaic: yea, why didn't they rename it living forest, lolz. Laugh

RE: Mystic Quest Falls Basin freeze glitch - CrumpledMedal - 06-14-2011

I don't know exactly why, to be honest with you. I always though it was because of Character limitations. That was one of the more enjoyable areas of the game.

RE: Mystic Quest Falls Basin freeze glitch - kefkaroth - 06-15-2011

(06-11-2011, 09:29 AM)CrumpledMedal Wrote: I hated Falls Basin, I was always getting lost or getting the puzzles mixed up. I never recall my cartrige freezing but I heard about freezing issues.

i agree with you. falls basin was so annoying to get through. it took me months to figure out the puzzle thing with the pillars. after all mystic quest was my very first rpg i played back in late 94. to this day me and my brother call it falls bastard.

RE: Mystic Quest Falls Basin freeze glitch - ArcadianKnight - 06-16-2011

@kefkaroth: lol Laugh