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im new. here are some rydia sprites - Printable Version

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im new. here are some rydia sprites - b1llygo4t - 06-05-2011

i have been working on these on and off. free to use, credit when due, no permission to edit. one sprite isnt done yet ill update when its done. based on the ff2u rydia sprites.

i had intended to make a hack simply replacing terrah with rydia. but a learn-able call system is beyond me, and i cant integrate her palette without impacting the game to much. any help or suggestions are greatly appreciated, if anyone is interested in partnering on such a hack id be interested.
bah. would someone please help me get these sprites working? they show up fine in ff3usme6.7 but when i load up the rom she has a huge black hole in her face. also how do i get her town sprite to use the correct palette? is there another tool i should be using? i am brand new at this. hi everyone btw

RE: im new. here are some rydia sprites - SSJ Rick - 06-05-2011

I know u are new here but u should have looked @ the rules 1st, no attachments are allowed

u need 2 use imageshack or tinypic

if there is a problem with the image when u upload it, the problem might be how u made the sprite itself or how u edited it

RE: im new. here are some rydia sprites - b1llygo4t - 06-05-2011

sorry about that, fixed it, ill upload it to some 3rd party hosting service later.

some of the colors in the custom palette do not show up in battle. is there some limitation? it shows up fine in ff3usme6.7

is there a way to use one of the all brown palettes toward the end of the index list for overworlds/towns?

RE: im new. here are some rydia sprites - SSJ Rick - 06-05-2011

its cool don't sweat it

unfortunately all palettes after 7 are flawed, the game happens to reset them (7 being a dummy palette that can be used)

keep in mind that the colors in each palette should be in a certain order so that no other characters sharing the palette suffer the consequences

palettes from 0 to 5 are shared for battle and overworld but this changes with 6, 7, n 8

this is the case because the original programmers were partially retarded lolz

but keep in mind that with some work u can find ways around the limitations, such as using pal 6

they show up in usme because those palettes are hardcoded in the game, they are used for either backgrounds, maps, and items in towns so thats why they cant be assigned 2 any character or NPC (it can be hard coded in but its not really worth it n can glitch up)

RE: im new. here are some rydia sprites - CrumpledMedal - 06-09-2011

Where are those sprites? Do you have her in child form? That'd be great! Please upload them soon.