FF6 Hacking
Cameo Fantasy III - Printable Version

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RE: Cameo Fantasy III - DjinnAndTonic - 06-03-2011

(06-03-2011, 10:59 AM)FEOK Wrote: This hack is amazing, I love everything about it. Smile
And these bosses are just awesome, everyone of them. Wink

Man, just think of how much better it will be once you do that Aigis sprite for me~ ^_^

RE: Cameo Fantasy III - FEOK - 06-03-2011

Would this be Aigis?

[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQkKNtX8mi1oj5tGG5LE4A...82vCPc&t=1]

I might attempt her soon. Wink

RE: Cameo Fantasy III - DjinnAndTonic - 06-03-2011

Looks like I've already got someone looking out for me. Blank actually started an Aigis sprite already! (And it's freakin' awesome!)

Look! He even got her "Ready" pose to look like her Persona3 Art pose!

It's too bad I'm going to have reduce the colors down to fit it into my hack *sigh*

RE: Cameo Fantasy III - ArcadianKnight - 06-04-2011

I am so going to play this when a beta is out, and i shall review as i play. Smile

RE: Cameo Fantasy III - FEOK - 06-10-2011

I'll finish this sprite sheet of when I get the chance. Wink
It's awsome!

RE: Cameo Fantasy III - Megamaster256 - 06-18-2011

I can't wait to play this hack. It's gonna be amazing.

RE: Cameo Fantasy III - DjinnAndTonic - 11-02-2011

Just checking in here after like 5 months to let watchers know that I -am- in fact still working on this project despite my not being around the FF6H forums lately. Most of the work these past few months has been simple coding/renaming parts that were already planned and just needed some time to get implemented.

Things are going slower now that I've moved back to the US from Japan - having to get re-acquainted with American living and -still- being in the process of interviewing for jobs (wish me luck!) means that I -don't- have as much time as before, but I'll have some more time in the near future and I'll try to get some more spritework done so I'll have some updates to show off stuff. Thanks to anyone still following this topic!

RE: Cameo Fantasy III - SSJ Rick - 11-03-2011

DJ!!!!!!!!!!1 welcome back bro its nice to see you around again

trust me I know how hard it is out here to find a job

I wish you all the luck in the world man

n hopefully we will see more of you soon Smile

RE: Cameo Fantasy III - Thanatos1320 - 11-04-2011

I just registered to this site so I could keep track of this project. I looks awesome and I can't wait to try it out.

RE: Cameo Fantasy III - DjinnAndTonic - 05-10-2012

Sorry I disappeared for a few months there. I have a new job and things are bit more stable for a while, so I've gotten some more work done the hack. It's a lot of the tedious work, but it's getting done!

One fun thing I did was play around with some spell graphics, though! Since it's a crossover hack, I couldn't resist changing the Life1 animation cherub to Nall from Lunar Silver Star Story ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lunar:_The_Silver_Star ).

[Image: Nall_Screenshot.jpg]
He's right there at the bottom reviving Vyse!

Since I think he's awesome and adorable, I made a patch of him for anyone else who was interested in having little Reviving Nalls in their game. (Note that this will change the animation for Fallen One or any custom spells that use the cherub animation, as well.)
*The screenshot shows him in My hack, but the patch will -only- edit the cherub animation.
