FF6 Hacking
AK's FF6 mini hack - Printable Version

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RE: AK's FF6 mini hack - SSJ Rick - 03-27-2011

I can help u with Ramza seeing as how I was making him, but I am probably gonna use the other 1 that FEOK sent me instead since its a better sprite

RE: AK's FF6 mini hack - ArcadianKnight - 03-27-2011

sweet poco, can u post the sprite preview of ramza? Wink

edit:btw rad's that guest squire that joins ramza in the tutorial battle in fft.

RE: AK's FF6 mini hack - SSJ Rick - 03-27-2011

I suppose a squire can be done quite easily

but idk man

I'll post it when I post it but atm I am helping Victoria (Alby-Chan) out with a custom sexy Terra Wink

RE: AK's FF6 mini hack - ArcadianKnight - 03-27-2011

that's alright poco, you do what u need to do, i can wait. Smile

btw here's the squire image for a base:

RE: AK's FF6 mini hack - SSJ Rick - 03-27-2011

thanks man :p

RE: AK's FF6 mini hack - ArcadianKnight - 03-28-2011

here's my first custom monster sprite, it's a liitle crappy looking, but it's alright.


RE: AK's FF6 mini hack - SSJ Rick - 03-28-2011

what is it supposed to be?

RE: AK's FF6 mini hack - ArcadianKnight - 03-28-2011

it's a looper from skies of arcadia, they have near perfect magic defense, high evade, and crap health.

btw, u probably never played skies of arcadia Finger

RE: AK's FF6 mini hack - SSJ Rick - 03-28-2011

naw never did :p

I wanted 2 play it tho I heard it was pretty good

RE: AK's FF6 mini hack - ArcadianKnight - 03-28-2011

yeah it was really good, i played the gamecube remake which i have.

btw my looper sprite needs shading, which i'll do. Tongue