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FF3usME 6.7's Sprite Editor - Printable Version

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RE: FF3usME 6.7's Sprite Editor - FEOK - 03-06-2011

deleting the last dll. file (i cant remember what its called XD) made mine work
i had 2 update my c++ files as well

RE: FF3usME 6.7's Sprite Editor - Angelo26 - 03-06-2011

Lord J provides a download alongside the usME so no problems arise when you use the program. Works for me like a charm :p

RE: FF3usME 6.7's Sprite Editor - ribbits - 03-29-2011

A bit of a different question, but still related to ff3usme6.7. In my attempts at hacking, my number 5 character (Sabin's normal spot) keeps switching the overworld sprite palette to 0 instead of 4 which is where it should be. The battle sprite always stays at 4 and that's where it should be. Any thoughts as to why the overworld sprite constantly switch backs to 0 and what can be done about it?

Thanks in advance.

RE: FF3usME 6.7's Sprite Editor - SSJ Rick - 03-29-2011

you need to edit it via hex, the overworld pal wont be able 2 be fixed thru the editor until J releases the next version

RE: FF3usME 6.7's Sprite Editor - ribbits - 03-30-2011

how difficult is it do via hex?

RE: FF3usME 6.7's Sprite Editor - SSJ Rick - 03-30-2011

not too hard it just involves some work

RE: FF3usME 6.7's Sprite Editor - Gi Nattak - 03-30-2011

(03-29-2011, 09:56 PM)ribbits Wrote: A bit of a different question, but still related to ff3usme6.7. In my attempts at hacking, my number 5 character (Sabin's normal spot) keeps switching the overworld sprite palette to 0 instead of 4 which is where it should be. The battle sprite always stays at 4 and that's where it should be. Any thoughts as to why the overworld sprite constantly switch backs to 0 and what can be done about it?

Thanks in advance.

You'll notice it says overworld palette index cannot be saved. So that's why it keeps reverting to the default.

To find what you are looking for in the hex, get a hold of the "event dump" document, and then do a search for "Assign palette $00 to character $05"
That will lead you right to where character 5's (Sabin's) palette gets loaded for the first, and only time for him throughout the game. Most characters palettes and graphics only get loaded once, but in some cases for characters like Strago and Shadow, theirs get loaded more times than one. Anyways...

On the left it will tell you that its located at the address "CA/6D2B" So you will want to go to that address in the hex editor...or alternatively you could just search for the appropriate string of hex, which in this case is "43, 05, 00" --- and you get that from this:

43 Assign palette $00 to character $05 <----- remember this?

"43" is the command byte for "assign palette" "00" is the palette being loaded, and "05" is the character the palette is being loaded to.

Just remember that in the hex, the character byte comes before the palette byte, so don't let the dump confuse you. Also remember to be in SNES Hi-Rom when you do your search. To search for "CA/6D2B" you would want to go to "search offset", and search "A6D2B" No need for the "C"
because you are already in the C bank due to being in Hi-Rom, and it will mess up your search...

So once you get there, what you would want to do then is change the "$00" to "$04" and your done. Save. Also note that if the character has already been recruited, it will appear as though nothing has changed, due to his prior palette already being loaded and saved with. So to test and see the changes you will have to play before the characters graphics and palette gets loaded, obviously.

If you still really have no idea how to do this I suggest looking at the "All Things Event Hacking" thread and reading "The Basics."

RE: FF3usME 6.7's Sprite Editor - ribbits - 04-02-2011

Any clue why when I try to import a sprite I just created thats 128x144x8 I get an error message that reads:

"Adaptive filter for 4bpp/8bpp bitmap not supported yet."

What does this mean? Is there a work around?

I just spent a decent amount of time working on a sprite and I'd like to be able to use it.

Thanks in advance.

RE: FF3usME 6.7's Sprite Editor - Angelo26 - 04-02-2011

Shouldn't sprites be 128x128 maximum?

and that may sound like you're using the incorrect format for the sprite...I haven't imported sprites in a long while, but I think they needed to be .jpeg (or .bmp)

RE: FF3usME 6.7's Sprite Editor - ArcadianKnight - 04-02-2011

i will keep this in mind for when i eventually import the finished pc sprites i need. Wink

edit: i think bmp, i'm not sure(anyone can correct me if i'm wrong). that's the format i use for my sprites done on paint. Finger