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Mystic Quest Falls Basin freeze glitch - Printable Version

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RE: Mystic Quest Falls Basin freeze glitch - Archaic - 06-24-2011

I loved that game! My girlfriend drew a really great picture of that evil Princess Toadstool from the end. I'll see if I can get her to scan it and send it to me. Objection!

RE: Mystic Quest Falls Basin freeze glitch - ArcadianKnight - 06-24-2011

cool, i wanna see that. Smile

RE: Mystic Quest Falls Basin freeze glitch - Archaic - 06-26-2011

[Image: 6924_145530179384_753424384_2522996_5581117_n.jpg]

This is an unfinished remake of the original. I don't think it looks nearly as good as the original, but she thinks she threw it away. She always does that kind of thing, even when it's really not bad at all. =/

RE: Mystic Quest Falls Basin freeze glitch - LordSutebenu - 06-26-2011

Not to rain on anybody's parade but-

Can we get back on topic here? Otherwise make another thread in the General Discussion...

RE: Mystic Quest Falls Basin freeze glitch - ArcadianKnight - 06-27-2011

yea, my bad, its better off in a new topic, i will try to do that freeze glitch in dkc3. Surprised

edit, there should be a fan art topic in general discussion. Hold on