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ROTDS beta testing - Printable Version

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RE: ROTDS beta testing - Gi Nattak - 07-21-2014

I think the Cure 3 Esper is the stone statue in the Ancient Castle, but you need the Time Egg.

RE: ROTDS beta testing - Lockirby2 - 07-21-2014

Document Updated.

RE: ROTDS beta testing - Gaffgarion - 07-22-2014

I can't find any trace of Mog in World of Ruin. Is there any tips/hints where he is?

Edit: Nevermind. Found him.

Edit 2: Just completed the Zebes Cave... After being teleported back to Jerico I leave the town and end up in the middle of water where Thamasa normally is on the bottom right of the map with the airship two or three spaces away. Nooo I'm stuck lol.

RE: ROTDS beta testing - DJKool - 07-22-2014

(07-21-2014, 09:28 PM)Gi Nattak Wrote: I think the Cure 3 Esper is the stone statue in the Ancient Castle, but you need the Time Egg.

I have the Time Egg, and I am at the Ancient Castle, but I do not see any statue. Is there a secret room like there was in the original? Do I need FuSoYa with me? I am missing something Hmm

RE: ROTDS beta testing - Bahamut ZERO - 07-22-2014

Raided what I could of the Ancient Castle. I figured FuSoYa would be in there somewhere after hearing he was looking for the place, but no trace of him. Found his journal, though. Maybe I need Eiko or Golbez with me when I go, or he's hiding in the Zebes Island I've yet to get into. Hopefully I don't end up in the ocean afterwards like Gaff. >_<

Or maybe I missed a secret room at the Ancient Castle. I know there was one in FF6, but I tried checking just about everything in the throne room to no avail.

Any tips on where I can find the Time Egg? I just beat JCE3000GT but haven't explored inside the gateway. I'm praying it's in there somewhere and wasn't hidden in some spot I missed like on the Floating continet or that locked room at the base near Hellfire Pass. I want to see that statue in Ancient Castle, or at least get past the tomberry in the Deveoper's Shack.

If anyone's having trouble with JCE3000GT, Reflect Rings and Quicksilvers are musts. If you have plenty of Ninja Stars, take Oboro with you. If you've gotten Guillotine Flash for Ronan, take him too. But beware: even with these tips he can still dish out a helluva beating.

Also, can Key Items stack? I found a second Dream Stone before using the first one I had. Just wondering whether or not I should've waited on finding the other one haha.

Took a few steps into the gateway in Jericho before saving, and all I can say is snesified Chrono Cross HELL YEAH. Love that song. And finally, I get to run around in the esper town like I wished I could in FF6.

I'd like to have Aerith as a character as well, but not at the expence of someone else or an esper. I've been dying to find FuSoYa so I can run around with just him and Astral for a senior citizen's killspree. I can't do that if Astral gets replaced hahaha.

RE: ROTDS beta testing - DJKool - 07-22-2014

You need to take Eiko with you to get FuSoYa, currently it seems to still require her just like it used to require Relm to get Strago back (any chance of changing that, Gi Nattak? It doesn't seem to be as intuitive as the original Strago/Relm recruitment was).

As for the Time Egg, fly around a bunch in your airship and you should manage to get it, just be ready to fight! Don't worry, it took me FOREVER to manage to get into the fight myself, so it may take a bit for you as well.

Also you can most likely get into that room behind the Tonberry in the Developer's shack now, I was able to before getting the Time Egg (@Gi Nattak: You should probably have the Tonberry there say something else than "Need a Time Egg to pass" because you DON'T end up needing one, and it really confused me on what it was used for.)

As for the Dreamstone, you can have more than one, you are now able to fight through the Dream Boss Gauntlet twice is all!

RE: ROTDS beta testing - Gaffgarion - 07-24-2014

Only character I can't locate so far is Golbez assuming he's what's left. Hum, idk where else to look but final dungeon lol.

Aaaaand I find him after posting this, lol. Well that's everyone, now to try to locate what I'm missing before the final area. Also that New game plus feature that I found sounds super nice.

RE: ROTDS beta testing - Bahamut ZERO - 07-25-2014

Alright, I've gathered everyone and found meself a Time Egg. Thanks for the tips guys!

Oh yeah, Dream Stones don't stack, so if you have the one from Hellfire Pass, don't grab the one in the WoR until you try the Dream Shrine once. Found that out the hard way when I tried to do the shrine twice back to back haha. I made it all the way to Kraid, stealing from everything along the way. Then Kraid insta-raped my team. Got ahold of Cloud's Apocalypse in the process. Pretty insane for a purple Buster Sword! Reminds me of the weapons you get for killing Last Ones in Lightning Returns.

Also killed my first dragon earlier! Aquestos was the first to go. Tried to kill the one in the Phoenix Cave, but everything I did did nothing to it. I think it's the one you're supposed to survive a set amount of time, and I did up to a point where it decided to use Meteor out of nowhere. Knowing my luck, that was his last move before dying lol.

Loved the music in Don Gordo's Mansion! Made me wish my computer wasn't fried so I could play the shit out of some SaGa Frontier. Awesome music from a great game, sounding insane in a SNES game. Makes me want to hear the theme of the one city with the sewer system from that game. (The town the blond chick you can start off as goes to after or before that prison)

The boss was fun to kill, and I thought the Mario Painting giving the middle finger was boss. Great job to whoever made that beaut.

A couple things I noticed and figured I'd bring up.

1: Fence in Jericho (path that Bow Wow/chain chomp was blocking in WoB)

If you're one space down from where the chain chomp was in WoB (break in the Fence) you can walk to the right and pass through the fence. You end up next to one of the barrels nearby and have to walk around the fence again. (This happened to me a couple times walking around the building for the Trans-Dimensional Gate.)

Also, if you're on the inside of the fence (inside being the small area with the building for the Gate) and walk along it, a section of the fence has a spot where the top half of the fencing is above the character (like when you're behind it)

2: Phoenix Cave

At the beginning area where you jump from the Airship, Astral and FuSoYa's pallettes are messed up. But only in this one area, probably from the map having a changed pallette, so no big deal. Pretty funny seeing FuSoYa looking like he got a reverse Micheal jackson operation. Laugh

3: Sarlac Pit

In the dark room with the crushing ceiling (past the 2nd save point) there are times when you'll be in what should be a safe spot but the ceiling will kill you off anyway like the first chest you come across while hauling ass through the room. There appears to be a 2x2 tile safe spot near this chest but when the ceiling drops, your character drops to thier knees and GAME OVER. I think it also happens near another chest close by, at the spot where you're crossing over to the other large portion of the room, and theres 1 tile opening between the two ceiling sections. The inconsistancy of survivability in these certain spots made this room the most annoying spot in the game for me. I'm not sure if FF6 was like that in this room, but I hated that room back then too, so I'm not entirely sure.

4: Twilight Vista's Auction House

Alright, I know this is going to be a church eventually, but I'm still gonna say this one. No bugs here, it just annoys me that I can't buy everything here. I mean, that rich as*h**e in the front row has like 5 chocobos and 7615235 1/2000 scale airships, and I have more money than him. I should be able to out bid him!

I wouldn't mind being able to have a chocobo or little airship on the airship, even if they do nothing and would cost 1.2-2 million gil to get ahold of them. Plus imagine the reaction out of the rich guy and his snot nosed kid when you out bid him. Plus then I wouldn't have to see these things being sold over and over again trying to buy the things that are, well, buyable.

Hopefully the auction-scene is staying around somewhere in the game after the church is implemented down the road. I need something to pump my 1,641,755 gil into besides maybe buying a shitload of relics haha.

There's some places I need to still go through before taking Zuriel's ass down, Like Tyranno Tower (I was hoping to hear the Azala Dungeon music from Chrono Trigger there, but that remixed boss theme is great), and Zebes Cave (gonna be save stating in case I end up in the ocean like Gaff), and Spellbound Castle (my favorite Mystic Quest bgm in all it's mindblowing glory). Besides that, killing the dragons, and gathering the last bit of Espers I don't have, I'm ready to whip some ass.

If anyone's looking for a spot to power level some of their low lv characters, try this in the Pheonix Cave: put a high lvl character that can wipe out everything (60-70+ to be safe) on both teams. I used Avalon and Ronan for this, being my Avalon has the upgraded Havoc and Bizon Boat/Onimusha combo, and Ronan has his Ice Storm Blast. Put Pimp Canes and Holy Amulets on both characters to lessen the frustration of the zombie-inducing attacks here. Now put one low lv character on each team, and give both of these characters Pimp Canes and Ninja Sights. And of course, make sure they have good enough gear to stay alive (Proto Shields are great defense boosters)

Now begin you're killing spree, but be careful as fights can still get hairy. Most fights here give like 2000-4000 xp with just 2 characters fighting (actually it's a bit more, but I"m roughly estimating here) Fights with the 3 demon head groups can easily get you 4-5k xp. and these numbers are without the 2x xp bonus of the pimp canes. And there's one group that gives out INSANE xp (two dinosaur things and a Dracolich). Bear in mind these encounters can basically insta-kill you with Static Surge, can charm your guys to attack your party (like confusion but worse), and can zombify you if you don't have Holy Amulets. It's quite challenging to beat this group without you're main attacker dying or your low lv being zombified.

So why take this group on? Mainly to crack out your attacker beyond belief, as they're more likely yo survive and reap the reward of 17536 or some xp. And with a Pimp Cane, that one character will get 35052 or so experience in ONE FIGHT. Needless to say, my Avalon get to lv 86 in no time while learning Eiko some magic, and getting her from lv 40-58. A level up after almost every fight. Smile

RE: ROTDS beta testing - DJKool - 07-25-2014

@Bahamut ZERO: Did you find where to use the Time Egg in the Ancient Castle? I was never able to figure it out :/

If you have level 86 characters, I get the feeling you will be crushing all the Dragons haha

RE: ROTDS beta testing - Thedirtyhippie - 07-25-2014

How do you beat the soul eater in avalon's dream? Every time I take his hip to 0 it just resets back to full health. I've tried any tactics, I even made it so I killed all three enemies at once and still his hp just resets, it's been 3 days of frustration.