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Edited verison of TAY Cecil - Printable Version

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RE: Edited verison of TAY Cecil - Yuke311 - 10-18-2010

he meant which number u used for him... if u used terra or Locke usw.

RE: Edited verison of TAY Cecil - Micki Chiba - 10-20-2010

I used Terra's Palette but I customised the colors to match the TAY's colors.

Like this Example:
TAY Blue (Cecil's Armpads)

Hue:18 Red:10
Sat:12 Green:14
Lum:15 Blue:22

I also,will post a Guide on make Custom Colors for custom palette.

RE: Edited verison of TAY Cecil - Yuke311 - 10-21-2010

WOW O.o. Hmmm... i also have a problem with umaros palette i used pikachu for mog and i want to make umaro to the heartless but i cant do it without changing pikachu.... plz could u explain me how to do it??

RE: Edited verison of TAY Cecil - SSJ Rick - 10-21-2010

I'll tell u right now, either u have to rearrange the palettes or hex it so that they have their own palette colors

what u want done can be taken care of

the heartless is only 2 shades of black/dark gray and has 2 shades of yellow for his eyes, and Pikachu has his 2 shades of yellow, idk exactly which 1 u r using and what shades of yellow it has but this can be done easily (even though it would be a pain in the ass), since palette 5 can be an exception to the palette order (mind u Ultros and Chupon might suffer for the changes made) u need to re organize them so that the colors are the same, and then u can edit both of them to the colors u want

(and I told u before several times Yuke311, if u have a specific question or need help with something, make a new thread asking for help, do not post something in a post that has nothing to do with the problem u need help with, it makes things very unorganized, I have told u this @ least twice already, so please follow that rule)