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wolfokami's endless question thread... - Printable Version

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RE: wolfokami's endless question thread... - wolfokami321 - 11-20-2014

no unfortunately someone has written an asm in ips/hex format instead of asm ex.


as opposed to ips


basically i need this converted to work in an asm file

C2/3B71: 20 07 4A   JSR $4A07   Learn rages in the current battle.
C2/3B74: AD 0A 30   LDA $300A   Start checking for Mog (code from C2/5EE5 that was overwritten)
C2/3B77: 60         RTS
C2/543E: 60         RTS         Skip Leap-disabling subroutine.
C2/5EE5: 20 73 3B   JSR $3B71   Call subroutine instead of checking for Mog.

RE: wolfokami's endless question thread... - Tenkarider - 11-20-2014

Too bad, i'm powerless with that Sad

RE: wolfokami's endless question thread... - wolfokami321 - 11-20-2014

Anyone else have any idea?

RE: wolfokami's endless question thread... - Synchysi - 11-20-2014

I'm not too sure what you're asking, honestly. Are you trying to figure out how to apply an assembly hack?

If so, SNEStuff can handle it easy enough.


There's a button that says "Install ASM patch using xkas." That's all you'll need. Just make sure that you're applying the hack to the proper ROM (headered/non-headered).

At the top of these assembly hacks should be a line that says "header." If you're working with a non-headered ROM, you'll need to comment that line out by putting a semicolon in front of it.

RE: wolfokami's endless question thread... - wolfokami321 - 11-20-2014

No i copy and pasted that code and the asm wont apply it gives me errors

RE: wolfokami's endless question thread... - Synchysi - 11-20-2014

Well, it's a disassembly. It's not proper ASM syntax.

org $C23B71
JSR $4A07  ; Learn rages in the current battle.
LDA $300A  ; Start checking for Mog (code from C2/5EE5 that was overwritten)

org $C2543E
RTS        ; Skip Leap-disabling subroutine.

org $C25EE5
JSR $3B71  ; Call subroutine instead of checking for Mog.

RE: wolfokami's endless question thread... - wolfokami321 - 11-20-2014

Thats all i was trying to ask for lol