FF6 Hacking
FFIV Hack - Printable Version

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RE: FFIV Hack - SSJ Rick - 07-09-2010

CharMixa64 be sure to look @ the new rules for sprites and check the correct order in which the colors go

also please use the sprite editor with the relm icon (its the only 1 that does not distort the characters)

RE: FFIV Hack - SSJ Rick - 07-09-2010

oh yea and Zeemis I was planning to finish Zozma's Edward as well as make a Yang sprite 4 Nattack

other then that I can fix Rosa along the way l8tr on

RE: FFIV Hack - Gilgameshversion - 07-09-2010

Do you want the sprites to be different from in battle and walking like they did in ff4 (example golbez looks different from when hes walking and when his in battle with FuSoYa)?

RE: FFIV Hack - SSJ Rick - 07-09-2010

naw man they all gotta be the same

look @ the sprite sheets

RE: FFIV Hack - Gilgameshversion - 07-09-2010

cheers poco Im realy good at editing from smaller people so il do Palom and Porom. (I made a realy cool white mage kid il finish that later maybe =] )
Im working on the twins the only hard bit will be making the 1st twin but after that the second twin is just reverse patterns (there pants, cape, ponytail are all the same just reverse) Im using Relm as a base and im starting with Palom (not much of a difference?)

In this hack you could add some FF4 Bosses like the four fiends, Zeromus and Proto Babil and custom music and custom map (Lunar Subterrane) that would be cool....pity we cant do twin cast tho =[

You could give Golbez these commands:

Fight ( Duhh)
Magic (Double Duh)
Dark Tech? (replaces magitek and abilities like cosmic ray , Nightfall, Twin Meteor , Binding Cold, genesis rock and summon: shadow dragon)
Items (Triple Duh)