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battle sprite corruption - Printable Version

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RE: battle sprite corruption - madsiur - 07-03-2012

(07-03-2012, 06:25 PM)kefkapapala Wrote: i did not use rogue because of the serpent trench bug (and apprently the magitek mine cart background). it seems this bug activate when i insert an exit from world of balance to world of ruin and vise versa. if i send a copy of my rom you can have a look at it.

No thanks I'm not interested because it is most likely a bad manipulation of the editor that cause this. Switching worlds can be experimented via some known bugs. I don't know much about the code behind the maps entrance/exit process but maybe the game can't handle properly what you are trying to do, sometimes the code is not as flexible as we think, but I never heard anything about the fact you couldn't do what you're describing either. We are far from an erased event however...

RE: battle sprite corruption - kefkapapala - 07-03-2012

is map editor less glitchy? the problem is idk how to use it and it does not have as many displays. is there any plan for a new level editor?

RE: battle sprite corruption - Gi Nattak - 07-03-2012

Is what map editor less glitchy, the one by Sleepydude?
And no, there's no plan for a new level editor.

There's no way to really help you here because you don't seem to know what you did to cause the issue, so it would just be guessing and throwing out random answers. All I know is that if you messed with the event tab in the LE, that is most likely the cause of your event not working on the map.

Compare all the data from a clean ROM in the LE alongside your ROM, and change what you did back to default or maybe you'll see something that looks wrong.

But at this point it's pretty much irreversible damage and you should start over with a clean ROM and be careful not to mess things up this time and make a lot of backups - and stop trying to get someone to fix your broken ROM! XD It seems this thread is headed towards helping you with every problem you create for yourself, when it was originally about battle sprite corruption.

RE: battle sprite corruption - madsiur - 07-03-2012

(07-03-2012, 07:03 PM)kefkapapala Wrote: is there any plan for a new level editor?

FF6LE is already a good editor that works and it is bug free (except one little bug that I know about if you enter an entrance of a map higher than 100). This bug does not corrupt the ROM and it's not what you were talking about. If something really bad to your eyes happens with the ROM, it'S most likely bad manipulation, from having opened FF3usME, a hex editor and FF6LE with the same ROM and clicking save here and there on the 3 tools to blanking by accident the event of the map or of a NPC like Nattak said. Either case it's not the editor that is buggy.

Also, there isn't much that demand for a better and new editor. The scene is a bit slow and those factors altogether does not motivate the people that have the will, passion, programming skills and FF3us knowledge to create what you expect would solve your problems. I could count these people on my hand(s) and without talking to them actively, I can imagine they have other priorities than a FF6LE Ultra.

RE: battle sprite corruption - kefkapapala - 07-04-2012

do you know where i could find the hex address for the choose a scenario trigger then? i could line up 2 of my roms (the normal event, and the changed event)?

RE: battle sprite corruption - Angelo26 - 07-04-2012

On the main page, go to navigation, and choose the "links and resources" tab. We just created the tab so that everyone can look for the information that they need on their own. There you should see a link to Imzogelmo's website. He hosts the event dump document, which has every event in the game documented. Download the document and do a search on the "choose a scenario" event.

That should help you get what you want.

RE: battle sprite corruption - Gi Nattak - 07-05-2012

(07-04-2012, 11:49 PM)Angelo26 Wrote: That should help you get what you want.

HAHA, I doubt it! Laugh