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Lord J's FF6LE 'Rouge Version'

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(01-09-2012, 01:56 AM)Zeemis Wrote: I wish Lord J would post here as he does on a few other forums.

Yeah, he's kind of like the Wizard of Oz that way.. he does all these wonderful things for the community, and it's incredibly rare to see the guy lol. I might try and 'lure' him in here. XD

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Hi, I just downloaded this today and started working with it, and it seems to always give the "Recompressed mini-map exceeds allotted space" error. The only changes I made thus far were palette related.

Also it seems like if you do a ctrl+h to replace tiles, it resets to your last save. That's.....really annoying if you don't notice right away.

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(01-25-2012, 02:36 PM)ranatalus Wrote: Hi, I just downloaded this today and started working with it, and it seems to always give the "Recompressed mini-map exceeds allotted space" error. The only changes I made thus far were palette related.

Well, that error seems to be almost random when it comes to working with tiles, there's no for sure way to really avoid it from happening in my experiences. It -usually- just means that after making tile changes on the map, the re-compression process for the tile data is now at more than what is allowed for that specific map, so one would have to first delete some tiles to clear up space. You see, the WoB tileset data is right before the WoR tileset data, and then the minimap tileset data right after that, so if one gets pushed over too far, the others will pay the price.

But...if you have only made changes to the palette bank and THAT'S IT, then it really shouldn't give the error. The editor in general has always been kinda sketchy though, and could sure use an update from the original team, it would most likely solve these errors, as well as the many bugs.

Hmm, there's no real answer I can give to you for this at the moment, it sounds to me like you are making the palette changes to the overworld map, is that correct? Maybe try erasing your header on the ROM if you have one to 'trick' the editor into thinking there's more room for the tile re-compression process it does when you hit save, but that's just an idea that shouldn't really have any effect on the error I suppose, but maybe...

I'm not sure, further investigation and experimentation needs to be done.
First, I'd like to know what map you are editing, and also do you get the error when opening the ROM up, or only when you hit save. I'm wondering if the ROM is now messed up and if you should start fresh. I would also test out doing the same exact changes on the ORIGINAL Level editor program (on a COPY OF THE ROM because it messes up compatibility with working with USME!!!) just to see if it could possibly be an issue of this Rouge Version not agreeing with palette changes. I admit I never tested the palette changes when I was beta testing this thing, just the tile re-compression process working in tandem with USME. =/

One thing I will say that sometimes works for me to not get the error, is instead of replacing the tile with another, first use the eraser tool there to erase the previous tile, then place the new tile. Somehow I think the program thinks the tiles are getting stacked onto each other, just a hypothesis though, and of course won't help out here if all you did was edit the palettes...are you super positive you have made NO other changes at all, maybe even placed a tile(s) by mistake, as all it takes is one added tile sometimes to throw it into error mode. If you're getting the error every single time on a clean ROM with simply making changes to the palette, then somethings up. If it happens randomly, then I'm sorry to say but that is 'normal' for this editor. =X

(01-25-2012, 02:36 PM)ranatalus Wrote: Also it seems like if you do a ctrl+h to replace tiles, it resets to your last save. That's.....really annoying if you don't notice right away.

Hmm, is that one of the hotkeys the program uses? I've never used it before and just place tiles manually, I guess you should just do that to avoid the issue all together, for now.

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Yeah, I was just making changes to the overworld palettes at first. I messed around with it a little more, and determined that it was the repacking portion. Even if I open the rom up and make no changes, I'll get that error on re-save. Expanding to 28MB with FF3usME didn't fix it, but 32MB did. Maybe it expects that extra space to be there by default?

Also yeah, ctrl+h is bound to replace all tiles with another; so if you were, say, replacing all the low-grass tiles with normal grass, or changing out all the mountains for another set of them, it will revert to your last save after it makes the changes, except it doesn't seem to affect tiles you replaced in this way. I dunno, it's buggy. I just stopped using it for now.

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(01-26-2012, 04:56 PM)ranatalus Wrote: Maybe it expects that extra space to be there by default?

Yes, that's it for sure, I forgot about having the ROM expanded to 32MB being a requirement.
Nice job there with the problem solving. =)
Just keep in mind all the things I said here anyway for later issues lol.

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Hello all Smile

I was working with this program and it does what it intends to, however I am experiencing a crash issue. I originally made small minimap edits to South Figaro and when I got to the Serpent Trench for the first time the game crashes. I went back to the pre-mapedited version and the game runs fine, so I tried opening that rom in the editor and just saving without making any edits. The game now runs but just goes to a black screen where the ST background music continues to play. I tried this even on a fresh non-altered rom with the same results.

I tried to do some research on the source of any issues but couldn't find anything, so any help offered would be greatly appreciated, thanks in advance!

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(02-07-2012, 05:07 AM)auraplatonic Wrote: Hello all Smile

I was working with this program and it does what it intends to, however I am experiencing a crash issue. I originally made small minimap edits to South Figaro and when I got to the Serpent Trench for the first time the game crashes. I went back to the pre-mapedited version and the game runs fine, so I tried opening that rom in the editor and just saving without making any edits. The game now runs but just goes to a black screen where the ST background music continues to play. I tried this even on a fresh non-altered rom with the same results.

I tried to do some research on the source of any issues but couldn't find anything, so any help offered would be greatly appreciated, thanks in advance!

I don't have a answer to your problem but it's a major bug. I tried to reproduce your bug and sadly I did succeded many times with different approches.

What I did is I took a clean 1.0 headered ROM , and expanded it to 32mbit with FF3usME. I did not save in FF3usME after expanding my ROM. I opened FF6LE and loaded the levels. I saved the levels then saved the ROM.

What's next is the changes made to the ROM with a no modification save. I did create a patch with the buggy ROM to see what was changed:

Offset        Size        RLE        IPS_File_Range       IPS_File_Size
------        ----        ID         00000000-00000004        5
0101DE           2        No         00000005-0000000B        7 (this is normal it's a checksum modification)
18E8BA           1        No         0000000C-00000011        6 (same change in old LE)
18E90F          A6        No         00000012-000000BC       AB (same change in old LE)
19CF8E           2        No         000000BD-000000C3        7 (same change in old LE)
2EB410           4        No         000000C4-000000CC        9 (???)
2EB41E           8        No         000000CD-000000D9        D (???)
2EB44C           5        No         000000DA-000000E3        A (???)
2ED834        5D8E        No         000000E4-00005E76     5D93 (???)
2F4E46        52A6        No         00005E77-0000B121     52AB (this is what scrap the Serpent Trench map I think)
2FE89B         41E        No         0000B122-0000B544      423 (???)
330200         47B        No         0000B545-0000B9C4      480 (write $47B bytes in the empty bank F3, my expansion bank...why???)
------        ----        EOF        0000B9C5-0000B9C7        3

It does scrap you Serpent Trench map badly. The rest of the game seems to be okay. The bug occured with a no change save, a save with 1 tile changed on the WOB, a save with 1 tile changed on a mini-map and a game saved with a significant amount of tiles changed on a mini-map and WOB map. I did try multiple things with clean ROMs everytime. My hack was also affected by that, but I have backups that are ok...I can't tell for sure when this bug does not occur...

You might be better with the old LE that didn't have such a bug I think or maybe it was already there and I didn't knew about it...Maybe Lord J would know more about it than us as he modified the source to create the Rogue version.

[Image: fuckup.png]

Edit: I just tried the same thing with the old LE and the bug didn't occured. [Image: Imp-Laugh.gif]

Here's the changes to the ROM with a no modification save in the old LE:

Offset    Size    RLE    IPS_File_Range       IPS_File_Size
------    ----    ID     00000000-00000004        5
0101DE       2    No     00000005-0000000B        7
18E8BA       1    No     0000000C-00000011        6
18E90F      A6    No     00000012-000000BC       AB
19CF8E       2    No     000000BD-000000C3        7
------    ----    EOF    000000C4-000000C6        3

2nd edit: I thought today that maybe you have to save with FF3usME at least once first to not trigger the bug because saving in FF3usMe shift/move data as well. I saved an expanded ROM with FF3usME after changing a monster HP and then I did the same process as yesterday. The bug in FF6LE Rogue is still there.


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Thanks very much for the help Smile

I used the pre-Rouge version and it the crash did not happen.

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I'm playing around with this ahead of beginning to event hack. I'm working on the initial load at the hills of narshe right now. I want to add an NPC to the scene at the top of the cliff when the magitek armor walks in.

I've figured out how to add the character, but I want him in a certain position. How do I edit the way he is standing when he loads?

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(02-23-2012, 03:09 PM)silvermaine Wrote: I've figured out how to add the character, but I want him in a certain position. How do I edit the way he is standing when he loads?

The is a tab named "facing" right above "vehicle" in the NPC tab. Just make sure you selected the good NPC and you can make him face east, west, north or south.

The same thing can be done by adding one of those command during the action queue (by hex editing) of the NPC, but that will change his position in real-time:

CC                           Turn current entity up
CD                           Turn current entity right
CE                           Turn current entity down
CF                           Turn current entity left

Edit: If you are using FF6Le Rogue, I would like to know if the serpent trench map is corrupted in your ROM, if you saved at least once with the editor? You can check that by loading the second map in the ediotr and it might look all messed up...

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