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Lord J's FF6LE 'Rouge Version'

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Lord J has just released a FF3LE 'Rogue Version' that is 100% working with USME!

As some of you may or may not know, there was an issue of the two programs not playing nicely together, and the re-compression of the overworld map data and tiles would get 'messed up' so to speak in LE upon saving with USME. Well, thanks to Lord J that is no longer an issue. Check here on Lord J's site under 'Utilities':

Alternatively, you can look here under the 'Tools' section on this site, as he gave me permission to mirror it.

Please note that you will need the 'MS .NET 4.0 redistribuables' in order for this rogue version to work.

Get them here:

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One more important thing...

The map data gets relocated to the F1 bank now, so be very careful if you are using that bank for anything else, like events.

Thankfully, J made a quick remedy for that as well. (what a guy!) I will quote him.

Lord J: "I've had time to squeeze in one more feature that might help with your bank $F1 problem. The bank can now be changed through an undocumented registry key. Just fire-up notepad, enter the following lines, change the "f1" to another value, save-as something.reg and double click on the new file.

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


Please, please do not use bank $F0, $FC or $FD as they are used by FF3usME for expansion purposes!!"


Finally, here's a technical breakdown he made for what exactly is happening:

Lord J: "The way the map expansion works is as follows:

1) You need to know that each overworld map is divided in two sections, individually compressed: first, the tile map (a series of index representing which tile is used at every spot of the map), second, the tile graphics (the bitmaps)

2) When the new FF6LE saves a map, it first will save the tile map and'll ask
2a) Is the new compressed size is equal or smaller than sizeof(regular tile map location) + sizeof(regular tile graphics location)? The answer to that question should be 95% of the time, yes
2b) Then a calculation is made: remainder = sizeof(regular tile map location) + sizeof(regular tile graphics location) - sizeof(new tile map)

3) Then FF6LE will save the tile graphics:
3a) Does sizeof(new tile graphics) <= remainder?
if yes, the data fits in the old location, bank $F1 is not used
if no, the data must be saved to bank $F1

4) same question for mini-map, it'll always fit the old location because ATM the data is not manipulated in any way (that'll be the next thing to implement in FF6LE Wink

5) the process is repeated for the WoR

Overwritting location $F10500 and above totally depends on the WoB / WoR data size and expansion usage. A more "noisy" map and graphics will result in poor compression performance and thus higher probability to use bank $F1"

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hmmmm...this is good new for most people. I'll try it but I have a lot of event in $F1 not to mention the custom title screen that zeemis did a tutorial about that use the beginning of $F1 as well. But if my modified WOB and WOR was fitting in the old FF6LE so this would mean that it would not use $F1 when it saves right? If I understansd right It's only if I make other modifications it might save the map in $F1.

I don't think I have anything to change in my world maps as I tried to planify everything before touching FF3usME and worst case scenario I have a patch that I use to revert the changes that FF3usME applies when it save so I can edit my world maps after that.

But this is really good new as you can modify tthe WOR and WOB maps without any limitation now if I'm right. If Lord J could do the same for the mini-maps as well that would be awesome. I might tranfer my events in $F2 and make a WOR map that nobody would recognize...

edit: I just saw the post more worries about $F1...yipeee!

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My patch uses F0 to expand all names...I will have to relocate everything -again-....*sigh*

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ah so Lord J is dormant for a few months and blesses us with something AMAZING for the new year

as you said Mike

what a guy

"Sometimes ninjas do wrong to each other, and in dat way the force of tha earf' comes around da moon - and at that presence, da dirt, it overshadows the grass, so you're like, I can't cut dis grass, there's no sun comin' through. So in order to enable each other the two fruits have to look each other in da eye and understand we can only be right, as da ripe is wrong, you know what I mean?"


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(01-08-2012, 11:21 AM)Angelo26 Wrote: My patch uses F0 to expand all names...I will have to relocate everything -again-....*sigh*

FF3usME uses $F0 for the town dialog patch which expands the available dialogs space up to 65656 bytes. It's the only of the three patch that can be apply with FF3usME that doesn't have the option to select which bank to use...So yeah if someone don't apply this patch he could still use your patch but bigger dialog space is a big plus...

You're better relocalizing everything in $F2 or something. My monster graphics data relocalization patch is also non-compatible with FF6LE Rogue because it uses $F1 as well...

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(01-08-2012, 05:08 PM)Madsiur Wrote: FF3usME uses $F0 for the town dialog patch which expands the available dialogs space up to 65656 bytes. It's the only of the three patch that can be apply with FF3usME that doesn't have the option to select which bank to use...So yeah if someone don't apply this patch he could still use your patch but bigger dialog space is a big plus
I noticed that myself a few days ago. I thought all was lost with my patch because I needed to expand the dialogue for the gba script.

Angelo was amazing though, helping me move his patch to the F1 bank. It wasn't too hard, so I'm sure we will see a new patch soon enough.
We need a new patch anyway because of a bug we found when selecting espers that was fixed, but I don't think the fix was updated on this site.

NNID (Wii U): pjmcphee
PSN: PaJMtree
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(01-08-2012, 06:12 PM)PJM Wrote: We need a new patch anyway because of a bug we found when selecting espers that was fixed, but I don't think the fix was updated on this site.

SHHHH, I secretly uploaded the patch with the bug fixed, so no one had to notice lol

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(01-08-2012, 07:10 PM)Angelo26 Wrote:
(01-08-2012, 06:12 PM)PJM Wrote: We need a new patch anyway because of a bug we found when selecting espers that was fixed, but I don't think the fix was updated on this site.

SHHHH, I secretly uploaded the patch with the bug fixed, so no one had to notice lol

haha my bad... nothing to see here... Tongue

NNID (Wii U): pjmcphee
PSN: PaJMtree
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I wish Lord J would post here as he does on a few other forums.

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