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Forum Announcements
Posted by: Zeemis - Forum: Polls

So, in your opinion, which is better? Do you like Flare, or Holy more?

Posted by: Zeemis - Forum: Polls

Signature moves of each games respective primary antagonist, Big Bang and Almagest were destructive end-game abilities.
Which ability is stronger in your opinion, and why?
Which gave you the most trouble?

Posted by: Zeemis - Forum: Polls

Two antagonists who were thought to be the main antagonists but were screwed out of that luxury, who'd win in a 1v1 battle?

Posted by: Zeemis - Forum: Polls

In your opinion, which version of Ultima was your favorite and why?

Posted by: Zeemis - Forum: Polls

[Image: Ozma.gif]
Location: Chocobo's Air Garden
Description: Of these 4 teams, which would best defeat Ozma from FF9 legitimately?
Restrictions and Attributes:
-All characters are level 75.
-All characters can NOT exceed the damage limit.
-All characters have a max of 9999 life, but don't necessarily have 9999 life to begin with. 9999 is just the max.
-Characters do NOT start with Trace/Desperation/Limit Break ready to be activated.
-Each character represents their games magic and attack system. In example, Rydia cannot summon Aeons, or summon creatures from past or future games.
-No ridicules exploits that always seems to occur with Cloud and FF7. Make this a fair battle.


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