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Revision as of 01:43, 15 March 2019 by Samurai goroh (talk | contribs) (Items)
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C Banks (000000 to 0FFFFF)

C0 bank (000000 to 00FFFF)

Address Type Comments
000000 - 008540 ???? ????
008541 - 00858E Data (Japanese Script) Dictionary entries sizes (78)
00858F - 0087F6 Data (Japanese Script) Dictionary Lo bytes (78 * 8 bytes)
0087F7 - 008A66 Data (Japanese Script) Dictionary Hi bytes (78 * 8 bytes) (0 = Normal ; 1 = 1E Kanji ; 2 = 1F Kanji)
008A67 - 00CB08 ???? ????
00CB09 - 00CB10 Data Dungeon danger table for random battle encounters (2*4)
00CB11 - 00CB2B ???? ????
00CB2C - 00CC20 ? ASM Monster party selection process ( common1 < 90 / common2 < 180 / uncommon < 240 / rare < 256)
00CC21 ? - 00CC49 ???? ????
00CC4A - 00CC51 Data Wold danger table for random battle encounters (2*4)
00CC52 - ???? ASM Process to determine random monster battles
???? - 00D37F ???? ????
00D380 - 00D97F 4bpp 8x8 Windows, 8x16 numbers, Finger icon, 16x16 Yes, No (Field message symbols)
00D980 - 00DEFF ???? ????
00DF00 - 00E7FF 1bpp 8x8 Shape masks
00E800 - 00F40F ???? ????
00F410 - 00F459 Text Main character naming screen
00F45A - 00F986 ???? ????
00F987 - 00FA9D Data Menu texts offsets (at 172F00 in RPGe) (2bytes * 139)
00FAC0 - 00FEBF Text (Japanese) Menu texts (139 variable sized texts)
00FEC0 - 00FFBF Data Lookup Table (LUT) used in RNG stuff
00FFC0 - 00FFFF Data SNES Header

C1 bank (010000 to 01FFFF)

This bank primarily handles graphics and animations.

Address Type Comments
010000 - 01001E ASM Entry function for C1 Bank (jumps to one of fifteen general C1 functions)
010020 - 01003E Data C1 function lookup table (15 locations; see entry fxn)
010040 - 01754C ???? ????
01754D - 017575 ASM Enemy death palette fade animation (lighter pink) (from 0176D1)
017576 - 0175AB ASM Enemy death palette fade animation step (from 01755E)
0175AC - 017623 ASM ????
017624 - 01763C ASM Set enemy palette to pink on death (from 0176CE)
01763D - 01765D ASM Find enemies that are still alive (from 0176D4)
01765E - 0176FD ASM ????
0176FE - 01772B ASM Prepare enemies for dissolve animation (from 0176EE)
01772C - 017789 ASM Enemy dissolve animation (from 017725)
01778A - 01781C ASM Partial dissolve step (from 01775C)
01781D - 017863 ASM Add pixels during "dissolve in" animation (from 0177FB, called twice)
017864 - 0178AA ASM Remove pixels during "dissolve out" animation (from 0177F3, called twice)
0178AB - 018B68 ???? ????
018B69 - 018B7C ASM Battle Command Animation (11 branches, see below)
018B7D - 018B92 Data LUT for command animations (11 entries)
018B93 - 018BA8 ???? ????
018BA9 ASM No Animation (from 018B7A, X = 8)
018BAA - 8BCF ASM Item Animation Function (from 018B7A, X = 9)
018BD0 - 018BE3 ???? ????
018BE4 - 018C34 ASM Banner Display Function (from 018B7A, X = 4)
018C35 - 018C36 ???? ????
018C37 - 018C6C ASM Battle Message Display Function (ie, Steal/Mug, etc) (from 018B7A, X = 5)
018C6D - 018CF0 ???? ????
018CF1 - 018D13 ASM Animals Animation Function (from 018B7A, X = 2 or X = 3)
018D14 - 018D5E ???? ????
018D5F - 018D73 ASM Ability Animation Function (from 018B7A, X = 1)
018D74 - 018D87 ???? ????
018D88 - 018E19 Data LUT for ability animation (based on ability number, 73 entries)
018E1A - 0196EB ???? ????
0196EC - 019708 ASM Run Character Animation (from numerous places)
019709 - 01B31B ???? ????
01B31C - 01B38B Data Spell Animation Shape Table (2 bytes * 63 entries; width, height in tiles)
01B38C - 01B676 ???? ????
01B677 - 01B69B ASM Spell Animation Function (from 018B7A, X = 0)
01B69C - 01B73F ASM Run Spell Animation (from numerous places)
01B740 - 01FD1C ???? ????
01FD1D - 01FD21 ASM Wait for NMI
01FD22 - 01FF2D ???? ????
01FF2E - 01FF87 Data [P] Hexadecimal to Decimal converter (4 digits)
01FF88 - 01FFFF ???? ????

C2 bank (020000 to 02FFFF)

This bank holds the ASM code that is related to battle

Address Type Comments
0216FA - ???? ASM Display Message
024A94 - 024AE9 Data Pointers for Command adjustments (2 byte * ??? )
024AEA - 0256D3 ??? ?
0256D4 - 0256EB ASM Monster item drop routine?
0256EC - 0262BA ??? ?
0262BB - ???? ASM Time-Quick Bug routine?
027150 - 0271B8 ASM Can steal from enemy routine?
0271B9 - 029207 ??? ?
029208 - 0292A4 ASM Item to steal from enemy routine?
0292A5 - 029409 ??? ?
02940A - 029426 ASM 9999 Max damage delimiter?
029427 - 02F587 ??? ?
02F588 - ???? ASM 16-Bit SRAM Checksum with carry?

C3 bank (030000 to 03FFFF)

Address Type Comments
030000 - 030052 ASM ???? ASM ????
030053 - 03016D ASM Decompression subroutine
03016E - 0302B2 ???? ????
0302B3 - 030367 Data ???? (0x0200 bytes after decompress) [ Type 02 headed compression]
030368 - 031176 ???? ????
031177 - 031242 Data (0x041A bytes after decompress) [ Type 02 headed compression]
031243 - 031C64 Data FFV Title? (0x1000 bytes after decompress) [ Type 02 headed compression]
031C65 - 031C8A Data ???? (0x____ bytes after decompress) [ Type 01 headed compression]
031C69 - 031C8A Data ???? (0x____ bytes after decompress) [ Type 01 headed compression]
031C8B - 031D24 ???? ????
031D25 - 031D47 Data ???? (0x0020 bytes after decompress) [ Type 00 headed compression]
031D48 - 031DFD Data ???? (0x0231 bytes after decompress) [ Type 02 headed compression]
031DFE - 031E82 Data ???? (0x0174 bytes after decompress) [ Type 02 headed compression]
031E83 - 032D21 4bpp Chocobo riders (0x1B00 bytes after decompress) [ Type 02 headed compression]
032D22 - 03331E 4bpp Dragon of the main screen (0x1200 bytes after decompress) [Compressed Type 02]
03331F - 033341 Data ???? (0x0020 bytes after decompress) [ Type 00 headed compression]
033342 - 0333F5 Data OAM data (Title dragon) (0x0120 bytes after decompress) [ Type 02 headed compression]
0333F6 - 03362A 4bpp Staff font [Compressed headed Type 02]
03362B - 03383B Text Staff [Compressed headed Type 02]
03383C - 033908 Data ???? (0x0151 bytes after decompress) [ Type 02 headed compression]
033908 - 037B91 ???? ????
037B92 - 037E4A Text Credits [Compressed headed Type 02]
037E4B - 03A06E Data ???? Code expansion? (i.e. / 7F8000-7FC7FF)
03A06F - 03A2FF ???? ????
03A300 - 03B9FF Data Menu drawing data
03BA00 - 03BAFF ???? ????
03BB00 - 03E5FF Data Locations background palettes [15-bit RGB, 2 bytes per color] [2bytes * 43 sets * 128 colors]
03E600 - 03EAFF ???? ????
03EB00 - 03EF7F 1bpp 8x12 Mp Hp & Japanese characters (Japanese font)
03EF80 - 03FFFF 1bpp 8x12 Some western, arrows, and Cº (Field font)

C4 to C6 banks (040000 to 06FFFF)

Address Type Comments
040000 - 0401FF Data SPC Engine?
040200 - 040600 ASM ASM
040601 - 043DA9 ???? ????
043DAA - 0446A9 Data (Pointers) Audio, Samples / Indexes
0446AA - 05E5E7 Data Instruments
05E5E8 - 06FE75 Data BGM (Songs)
06FE76 - 06FFFF Data (Blank) (0x18A bytes, 394 bytes)

C7 to C9 banks (070000 to 09FFFF)

Address Type Comments
070000 - 08221F Data World Map Tilemaps (custom compression)
082220 - 08331F Text (Japanese) Speech offset [2 Bytes * 2160]
083320 - 0849DE Data Extended Event data offsets [3 Bytes * 1940]
0849DF - 09FFFF Data Extended Event data [x Bytes * 1940]

CA bank (0A0000 to 0AFFFF)

Address Type Comments
0A0000 - 0AFFFF Text Speech (Japanese)

CB to CD banks (0B0000 to 0DFFFF)

These banks are related with the location maps.

Address Type Comments
0B0000 - 0B028F Data Tilemaps offsets (Location maps) [2bytes * 0x0148]
0B0290 - 0DFA01 Data Tilemaps (Location maps) [Compressed unheaded type02] [64 * 64 bytes (after decompressing)]
0DFA02 - 0DFA3F Data (Blank)
0DFA40 - 0DFDFF ???? Unknown data (used by ASM function at 009913)
0DFE00 - 0DFFFF 4bpp 8x8 Row 8x8 numbers and ":" (Menu/Battle hex numbers)

CE bank (0E0000 to 0EFFFF)

Address Type Comments
0E0000 - 0E073F Data NPC Actions data offsets [2Bytes * 928 entries]
0E0740 - 0E2293 Data NPC Actions data
0E2294 - 0E23FF Data (Blank)
0E2400 - 0E27FF Data Event places offset [2Bytes * 512]
0E2800 - 0E365F Data Event places [4 Bytes * 920] (2B: Coordinates, 2B Event id (in table 18E080))
0E3660 - 0E36BF Data (Blank)(Sure?)
0E36C0 - 0E3ABF Data Location and World Maps Exits Offsets [2 Bytes * 512]
0E3AC0 - 0E58CF Data Location and World Maps Exits [6 Bytes *] (2B: Origin Coordinates, 2B: Destiny Map ID, 2B: Destiny Coordinates)
0E58D0 - 0E59BF Data (Blank)(Sure?)
0E59C0 - 0E5DC1 Data NPCs offsets [2Bytes * 512 + 2 bytes EOF]
0E5DC2 - 0E9BFF Data NPCs (Non Playable Characters) [7 Bytes each]
0E9C00 - 0ECFFF Data Locations entries (Map Descriptors) [26 Bytes * 512]
0ED000 - 0EE12F Data Monster battle palettes [8 (or 16) Bytes * 550]
0EE130 - 0EFFFF ???? ????

CF bank (0F0000 to 0FFFFF)

Address Type Comments
0F0000 - 0F0037 Data Tile blocks offset
0F0038 - 0FC53F Data Tile blocks [Compressed Type02 Unheaded]
0FC502 - 0FC53F Data (Blank)
0FC540 - 0FC56D Data Tile properties offsets [2bytes * 23]
0FC56E - 0FD7FF Data Tile properties [Compressed unheaded type02] [2 bytes * 256 after decompressed]
0FD800 - 0FDBFF 4bpp 8x8 World Map (background)
0FDC00 - 0FDFFF Data (Blank)
0FE000 - 0FE9FF Data World map tilemap offsets [2bytes * 256 * 5 worlds] (Every offset points to a horizontal line of 256 tiles stored in banks C7 and C8)
0FEA00 - 0FF0BF Data World map tile block properties [3Bytes * 192 * 3]
0FF0C0 - 0FF9BF Data World map tile blocks [1Byte * 192 * 4 * 3]
0FF9C0 - 0FFABF Data World map tileset color masks (first and third worlds) [1Byte * 16 * 16]
0FFAC0 - 0FFBBF Data World map tileset color masks (second world) [1Byte * 16 * 16]
0FFBC0 - 0FFCBF Data World map tileset color masks (underwater) [1Byte * 16 * 16]
0FFCC0 - 0FFDBF Data World map tileset palette (first and third worlds) [2Bytes * 128]
0FFDC0 - 0FFEBF Data World map tileset palette (second world) [2Bytes * 128]
0FFEC0 - 0FFFBF Data World map tileset palette (underwater) [2Bytes * 128]
0FFFC0 - 0FFFFF Data (Blank)

D Banks (100000 to 1FFFFF)

D0 bank (100000 to 10FFFF)

This bank primarily handles monsters data

Address Type Comments
100000 - 102FFF Data Monster Stats
103000 - 104FFF Data Monster Encounter (512*16)
105000 - 1055FF Data Monster Drops/Steals
105600 - 105BFF Data Monster Control Actions
105C00 - 1067FF Text (Japanese) Monster names
106800 - 106FFF Data Monster groups (256 * 4*2bytes indices to Monster Encounter)
107000 - 1071FF Data Location names offsets (2 bytes * 164) (At 170000 in RPGe)
107200 - 1077FF Text (Japanese) Location names
107800 - 10797F Data Event encounters
107980 - 1079FF Data Monster-in-a-box encounters
107A00 - 107BFF Data Monster zones in World 1 (4*2 * 8*8)
107C00 - 107DFF Data Monster zones in World 2 (4*2 * 8*8)
107E00 - 107FFF Data Monster zones in World 3 (4*2 * 8*8)
108000 - 1083FF Data Monster zones in dungeons (512*2 indices to Monster groups)
108400 - 10843F Data World 1 - Table related to zone danger
108440 - 10847F Data World 2 - Table related to zone danger
108480 - 1084BF Data World 3 - Table related to zone danger
1084C0 - 1085FF ??? Data Dungeons - Table related to danger calculations in rooms
108600 - 1088FF Data Monster Release actions
108900 - 1098FF Data Monster formation coordinates in battle
109900 - 109BFF Data Monster Specialty data
109C00 - 109EFF ASM Monster AI scripts offsets
109F00 - 10B272 ASM Monster AI scripts
10B273 - 10C7FF ASM Bosses AI scripts
10C800 - 10CFFF ???? (8*256 ?)
10D000 - 10D003 Data Offsets to monster bitmap tile tables (8x8 tiles and 16x16 tiles) respectively
10D004 - 10D333 Data Monster 8x8 bitmap tile tables
10D334 - 10DC33 Data Monster 16x16 bitmap tile tables
10DC34 - 10DE?? ???? Unknown data
10E003 - 10E162 4bpp Monster Mini, Toad and shadow graphics
10E163 - 10E4C9 ???? (Graphics?)
10E4CB - 10EBE4 4bpp The End [Compressed Unheaded Type 02]
10EBE5 - 10EBFF ???? ????
10EC00 - 10EFFF Data Game engine constants
10F000 - 10F1D3 Text Battle speech offsets (2 bytes)
10F1D4 - 10FFDF Text (Japanese) Battle speech
10FFE0 - 10FFFF Data ???? Some other info about monster groups ????

D1 bank (110000 to 11FFFF)

This bank primarily handles Items/Characters/Jobs/Abilities data

Address Type Comments
110000 - 1105FF Data Items data - Weapons
110600 - 110A7F Data Items data - Armor
110A80 - 110B7F Data Items data - Usables
110B80 - 11137F Data Magic data
111380 - 111C7F Text Items names (menu)
111C80 - 111E89 Text Magic names (field menu)
111E8A - 11247F Text Magic names2
112480 - 11287F Text Item definition tables
112880 - 11288F Data Item stat change definitions
112890 - 1128B5 ???? ???? (pointer table ?)
1128B6 - 112975 Text Status names (battle menu)
112976 - 1129FF ???? ???? (fragmented data)
112A00 - 112CFF Data Item /magic prices
112D00 - 112D3F Text Shops names [1Byte * 8 * 8]
112D40 - 112FFF Data Shop data
113000 - 113200 Data Treasure boxes offsets (1byte * 4 + 113210)
113201 - 11320F Data 15 bytes unused
113210 - 1135FF Data Treasure chests/boxes/pots (252 x 4 bytes)
113600 - 1139A8 ???? ???? (fragmented values)
1139A9 - 113BA8 Text Battle messages offsets
113BA9 - 113FFF Text (Japanese) Battle messages
114000 - 1140FF Text Offset Items descriptions
114100 - 114FFF Text Item descriptions (1143FC to 114FFF; 3076 free bytes at the end)
115000 - 115128 Data Experience table (3 bytes * 99)
115129 - 1151EE Data Base HP table (2 bytes * 99)
1151EF - 1152B4 Data Base MP table (2 bytes * 99)
1152B5 - 1152BF ???? ???? Unknown data
1152C0 - 1152E9 Data Pointer to the first ability slot by job, Freelancer not included (2*21)
1152EA - 1152FF Data Number of abilities by job, including Freelancer (1*22)
115300 - 11542B Data List of abilities (ABP + ID) by job (2Byte + 1Byte)*(#abilities)
11542C - 1154FF Data ??? More Job-related data?
115500 - 11551D Text Character names
11551E - 115531 Data Character stat bonuses
115532 - 1155FF ???? ???? Unknown data
115600 - 1156AF Text Job names
1156B0 - 115707 Data Job base stats (22 * 4bytes)
115708 - 11575F Data Job default equipment (22 * 4bytes)
115760 - 1157B7 Data Job default commands ID (22 * 4bytes)
1157B8 - 1157E3 Data Job default innate abilities (22 * 2bytes)
1157E4 - 1157FF ???? ??? Unknown data
115800 - 1159DF Text Ability data/names (support) (menu) + (Japanese)
1159E0 - 115CDF Data Abilities actions (96 * 8 byte)
115CE0 - 1161FF ???? ???? Unknown data
116200 - 116307 Text Menu abilities texts
116308 - 116AB0 ???? ???? Unknown data
116700 - 116AB0 Text Special abilities texts
116AB1 - 116DF8 Data Ability effect data (Animals, Mix, Terrain actions)
116DF9 - 116FFF ???? (rising, varying values) (Pointers?)
117000 - 11713F Data Character initial data
117140 - 117249 Text Job/ability descriptions offsets
11724A - 117F9F Text Job/ability descriptions (& Empty Space)
117FA0 - 11A39F ???? (2*~4600)
11A3A0 - 11A59F Data Color Palettes (4 bytes * 128 entries)
11A59F - 11AB9F ???? ????
11ABA0 - 11BDFF 4bpp 8x8 Misc. spell effects
11BE00 - 11BFFF 2bpp? 3bpp? (2*256)
11C000 - 11EFFF 2bpp 8x8 Terrain spell effects?
11F000 - 11FFFF 2bpp 8x8 Menu Font (1 page 2bpp 8x8)

D2 to D4 banks (120000 to 14FFFF)

Address Type Comments
120000 - 1497BF 4bpp Character battle sprites
1497C0 - 14A3BF 3bpp Misc. battle sprites
14A3C0 - 14B17F Data Job Palettes (32*5*22)
14B180 - 14B8FF Data Monster battle sprites data [5 Bytes * 384]
14B900 - 14FFFF ???? ????

D5 to D8 banks (150000 to 18FFFF)

Address Type Comments
150000 - 182FFF 4BPP & 3BPP Monster battle sprites
183000 - 1838EB ???? ????
1838EC - ?????? Data Playing effects Master Table [5 bytes * ?]

(Effect Sprite, Color, Routine, Special, Sound)

?????? - 184195 ???? ????
184196 - 1841D4 Data Pointers to battle background tilesets [3bytes * 21 entries]
1841D5 - 18DE35 4bpp Battle background tilesets [x bytes * 9 entries] [Compressed unheaded type02]
18DE36 - 18E07F ???? ????
18E080 - 18E5DF Data Event data offsets [2 Bytes * 687 (0x2AF)]
18E5E0 - 18FFFF Data Event data [x Bytes * 687 (0x2AF)] (Links to Extended Event data in table 083320)

D9 bank (190000 to 19FFFF)

Address Type Comments
190000 - 197CCF 3bpp Attack animations
197CD0 - 19FFFF ???? ????

DA and DB banks (1A0000 to 1BFFFF)

The world maps tilesets are 8bpp mode 7. To save rom space each byte in these tables represents actually 2 8bpp mode 7 bytes. The lesser 4 bits are the first mode 7 byte and the higher 4 bits (right shifted) are the second one. With this approach, only 32 bytes are needed to store every mode 7 8x8 tile instead of 64, but it limits the number of different colors from 256 (0xFF) to 16 (0x0F). To avoid this limitation, every byte of each tile is masked with the values stored on the tables 0FF9C0, 0FFAC0 and 0FFBC0 respectively. That means, the values from 1B8000 to 1B801F are masked with the value stored in 0FF9C0; the values from 1B8020 to 1B803F are masked with the value stored in 0FF9C1...

Address Type Comments
1A0000 - 1B39FF 4bpp NPCs sprites
1B3A00 - 1B4D7F 3bpp Overworld / World map sprites
1B4D80 - 1B7FFF 4bpp Overworld sprites
1B8000 - 1B9FFF 8bpp Mode 7 (Compressed) World map tileset (first and third worlds)
1BA000 - 1BBFFF 8bpp Mode 7 (Compressed) World map tileset (second world)
1BC000 - 1BCFFF 8bpp Mode 7 (Compressed) World map tileset (underwater)
1BD000 - 1BF7FF 1bpp Kanji
1BF800 - 1BFFFF ???? ????

DC to DF banks (1C0000 to 1FFFFF)

Address Type Comments
1C0000 - 1C0023 Data World Map and Locations 8x8 Background/Foreground tiles offsets (2 bytes)
1C0024 - 1C2D83 2bpp World Map and Locations 8x8 Background/Foreground tiles
1C2D84 - 1C2E23 Data World Map and Locations 8x8 Background graphics offsets (4 bytes to add to 00DC2E24)
1C2E24 - 1FFBFF 4bpp World Map and Locations 8x8 Background graphics
1FFC00 - 1FFC7F Data World Map and Locations Sprite palette [2bytes * 4 sets * 16 (0x10) colors]
1FFC80 - 1FFFBF ???? ????
1FFFC0 - 1FFFFF Data ???? Palettes ????

E Banks (200000 to 2FFFFF)

ROM expansion used by RPGe Translation

E0 bank (200000 to 20FFFF)

Address Type Comments
200000 - 200F4F Text Monster names
200F50 - 200F6F ASM ASM
200F70 - 20114F Data Multiply by 7/5
201150 - 2013EF Text Ability names (commands)
2013F0 - 202D3F ???? ????
202D40 - 202F4D ASM ASM
202F4E - 2030FF ???? ????
203100 - 203140 Text Misc. menu text fields
203140 - 2031A7 ???? ????
2031A8 - 2031B1 ASM ASM
2031B2 - 203224 ???? ????
203225 - 203324 Data Texts font characters widths (Speech and battle messages)
203325 - 203424 Data Texts font characters widths (Crystal prophecy)
203425 - 203723 ???? ????
203724 - 204AA4 1bpp Crystal prophecy font
204AA5 - 204C24 ???? ????
204C25 - 20FFFF Blank Blank data

E1 to E6 banks (210000 to 26FFFF)

Address Type Comments
210000-26FFFF Text Game script

E7 bank (270000 to 27FFFF)

Address Type Comments
270000 - 2708FF Text Area headings
270900 - 270F8F Text Effect names
270F90 - 27177F Text Magic names (57-FF) (battle menu) (Song)
271780 - 27275F Text Magic names (57-FF) (battle message)
272760 - 272CA9 Text Battle messages
272CAA - 272EFF ???? ????
272F00 - 2733FF Text Menu/shop text
273400 - 27355F ???? ????
273560 - 2736FF Text Rare item names
273700 - 273AF0 Text Monster Specialty names
273B00 - 2750FF Text Battle dialog
275100 - 2751FF Text Item descriptions pointer table
275200 - 2757FF Text Item descriptions
275800 - 27585F Text Battle record text
275860 - 27705F Text Item names (battle message)
277060 - 27739F Text Ability names (support) (battle message)
2773A0 - 27751F Text Crystal prophecy
277520 - 27FAD8 ???? ????
27FAD9 - 27FFFF Text Misc. menu text fields