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This is a list of utilities that can be used for ROM hacking in general. For FF6 (SNES) specific utilities, please visit the utility page of the FF6 section. For FF6 Advance utilities (GBA ROM), check this utility page.

Name Short Description Creator Download link
HxD Good general/all purpose hex editor. :?: Download
Windhex32 ROM hacking hex editor with table support. Bongo Download
Crystatile2 ROM hacking hex editor with many features. :?: Download
Name Short Description Creator Download link
YY-CHR (C++) General tile editor. Has more feature than the .NET build. yy Download
YY-CHR (.NET) General tile editor. The .NET build is more recent than the C++ one. yy Download
SNESpal Palette editor for SNES ROMs. Yousei Download
Name Short Description Creator Download link
SNES9x 1.51 Debugger A complete GUI debugger. Current version is Mark-10-R2 Geiger Download
bass v.14 Command line SNES assembler. byuu Download
xkas 0.06 Command line SNES cross assembler. byuu Download
xkas+ 14.1 Fork of xkas that add syntax support and improve things. Revenant Download
Asar SNES assembler based on xkas. Alcaro Download
DUDE 65816 GUI disassembler. Drakkhen Download
bsnes-plus 0.73-3a Fork of bsnes-classic with new debugging features and improvements Revenant Download
Name Short Description Creator Download link
Patch-Text Utility to edit data and do hex editing. m06 Download
Lunar IPS Can create and apply IPS patches. FuSoYa’s Niche Download
Floating IPS BPS patching utility. Alcaro Download
IPS Patch Creator Python patch creator (Windows, Mac, Linux). NPCnextdoor Download
XDeltaUI XDelta patching utility. KaioShin Download
Patch Conflict Finder Find conflicts between two or more patches. Zephyr Download
Lunar Expand ROM expansion utility. Fusoya's Niche Download
SNEStuff All in one ROM expander, IPS and ASM patcher. spel werdz rite Download
  • rh/utilities.1514853543.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 6 years ago
  • (external edit)